
2007-06-13 7:53 am
A person commits an offence if, with the object of coercing another person to pay money claimed from the other as a debt due under a contract, he –

如下如何翻譯為中文 ?
(a) harasses the other with demands for payment which, in respect of their frequency or the manner or occasion of making any such demand, or of any threat or publicity by which any demand is accompanied, are calculated to subject him or members of his family or household to alarm, distress or humiliation;

回答 (2)

2007-06-13 1:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(a) 通過採取騷擾性方法要求他(受害人)付款(無論作出該要求的頻密度、態度或時間),或恐嚇或揚言會進行該種要求(付款),企圖導致他(受害人)或他的家庭或家屬感受驚嚇、苦惱或羞辱;....

2007-06-13 05:47:53 補充:
如果某人有目的地強迫他人(受害人)支付金錢以履行合約清繳第三者之債務索償,某人便是干犯罪行;某人:(a) 是通過採取騷擾性方法要求他(受害人)付款(無論作出該要求的頻密度、態度或時間),或恐嚇或揚言會進行該種要求(付款),企圖導致他(受害人)或他的家庭或家屬感受驚嚇、苦惱或羞辱;
參考: 不做copy-cat;不做字典機
2007-06-13 7:57 am
如果人做一次進攻, 以強制其它人支付金錢,被要求從其他作為債務適當根據合同

(a)擾亂其他以對, 關於他們的頻率或做任何如此需求方式或場合, 或任一個威脅或宣傳任一需求伴隨, 被計算服從他的家庭或家庭的他或成員對警報、困厄或屈辱的付款的需求

Jupiter Center
記得sd埋比d fd!!

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