bio mc question一問(f.4)

2007-06-13 7:14 am
If the bile duct of a person were blocked, which of the following would occur?
A. His faeces would contain a lot of fat
B. His faeces would become hard and dry
C. His blood insulsin level would decrease
D. He would produce a large volume of dilute urine
(HKCEE 2005 II Q20) -->我選了A

對嗎?如果不對請提出正確答案並附加適量解釋。 仲有我想知insulsin( [移]島素 )是甚麼和有甚麼用﹖blood insulin level 又會怎樣被影響呢﹖請大家幫幫忙,多謝。

回答 (3)

2007-06-13 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
我唔知o岩唔o岩.. 但我都會揀A..
B 係關於吸水, 通常關d 腸ge事
C... insulin係liver整, 由ductless gland入血度, 完全唔關bile dust事
D... 都係關於blood ge content, 應該又係同bile duct無關
所以我諗係A.. bile duct block左, d bile冇得流去gall blader度儲存, 所以有食物ge時候得好少bile 去emulsify d fat, 令到d fat跟隨faeces排出體外.

至於insulin, 佢係一種hormone, 由liver製造, 經ductless gland直接入血管, 佢可以令血糖降低, 因為insulin會刺激d enzyme將glucose轉左glycogen ( **佢係刺激d enzyme, 唔係佢自己將d glucose轉化) , 另外佢會令到d body cell用多d glucose, 原因就唔係CE level學架la!

你form4就想學埋form5 d野, 好好學wor! 加油呀! bio 真係好好玩架 =] 希望幫到你啦=]
2009-11-22 3:07 am
Structure 5唔係bile duct黎嫁
佢係pancreatic duct黎-_-

仲要呀..insulin係pancreas整..唔係liver呀- -
2007-06-13 4:51 pm
The answer should be A because bile salts aid in the digestion of fats. It is released into the small intestine after a meal to help with fat digestion. The feces should be greasy if the bile duct is blocked.

Insulin is a hormone, also a protein. It is secreted by groups of cells within the pancreas called islet cells. It is secreted by the pancreas in response to this detected increase in blood sugar (after a meal). Most cells of the body have insulin receptors which bind the insulin which is in the circulation. When a cell has insulin attached to its surface, the cell activates other receptors designed to absorb glucose (sugar) from the blood stream into the inside of the cell.

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