"monolithically" 呢個字有咩解釋

2007-06-13 5:47 am
"monolithically" 呢個字有咩解釋 , 應該同建築有關


回答 (2)

2007-06-13 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
土木工程學常用字, 多用於落石屎時嘅方法.

例如石屎柱頭同橫樑要同時間落; 形成一體 (mono), 唔可以分開先落柱頭; 乾咗之後再搭棚架落橫樑. 作用係唔想柱頭同橫樑有接口, 結構上比較堅固. 所以响工程規格上佢地會話明 "column and beam to be cast monolithically". 工程費會比較大, 因為施工比分開落多工, 但這種方法非常普遍.

2007-06-14 01:16:55 補充:
鐵嘅橫切面積越大所承受嘅力就會越大, 但工程師設計時會盡量多用石屎面積, 因為石屎比鐵平得多, 但如果要承受同樣嘅壓力, 石屎面積要比鐵大, 問題係石屎面積大咗; 双對實用面積又細咗, 所以工程師要响價錢同實用面積取得平衡
參考: 土木工程師
2007-06-13 6:01 am
1. 獨塊巨石的
Monolithic architecture


Pancha Rathas monolith rock-cut temple, late 7th century

Monolithic architecture is a style of construction in which a building is carved, cast or excavated from a single piece of material. The most basic form of monolithic architecture is the monolith, such as the monolithic churches of Lalibela or the Pancha Rathas in India.
Buildings with a structural material which is poured into place, most commonly concrete, can also be described as monolithic. Extreme examples are monolithic domes, where the material is sprayed inside of a form to produce the solid structure.

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