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所謂富有, 不一定是指物質上的, 也可以是精神上的富足
To be rich does not necessary mean that one is in possession of a lot of material wealth. A man can be rich spiritually.
人對何謂富足沒有客觀標準, 只有一個人對自己所有的感到滿足, 就是富有
There is no objective standard by which to judge whether a person is rich or not. A person is rich as long as he is content with what he has.
精神上富足的人, 擁有豐富的知識, 對世事充滿興趣
A man who is spiritually rich is one who is rich in knowledge, and is curious about things around him.
物質上富足的人能滿足生活的基本需要, 不需要為生計憂慮
A man who is rich in material wealth is one who is able to make ends meet without the need to worry about the livelihood of himself and his family.