移除Vista Transformation Pack 6

2007-06-13 4:03 am
My computer have install Vista Transformation Pack 6, but after i uninstall it, there are something in my computer is still Vista ver. How can i make them change to XP ver.?

P.S. please answer this question in chinese

回答 (2)

2007-06-13 4:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
係開始-->執行 打入 msconfig
再選系統還原 咁就可以還原返你部電腦係未裝vista tranformation pack 之前了!
參考: me
2007-06-13 4:24 am
用新增或移除程式移除Vista Transformation Pack 6

2007-06-12 20:25:14 補充:
參考: 我

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