2(MC)chemistry question

2007-06-13 3:11 am
2.The atomic number of element X is 16. Which of the following statements concerning X is correct?
A.X is black in colour
B. X can cinduct electricity in its molten state
C.X is in Periodic 2 of the Periodic Table
D. X is belong to Group 5 of the Periodic Table

回答 (3)

2007-06-17 7:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
element X is sulphur.
A.X is black in colour ------>(sulphur is yellow in colour)
C.X is in Periodic 2 of the Periodic Table------>(it belongs to Periodic 3)
D.X is belong to Group 5 of the Periodic Table ------>------>(it belongs to Group 6)

參考: myself
2007-06-13 4:01 am
no= =

C is wrong....
period = no. of electonic occupied shell
16 protons= 16 electrons
so , electronic arrangement= 2,8,6
3 shells
so it is in period 3 ,

D id also wrong,in group 6

ans is A or B
參考: from my textbook!
2007-06-13 3:26 am
check peroidic table , atmoic no= 16 is Sulphur

C. period 2 element

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