問1條reported speech 同1條conditionals ! 唔該幫幫我!!

2007-06-13 2:37 am
"I'll see you tomorrow," she said to me.
---> She said she would see me the day after.
點解唔洗加 me ?
"Are you Japanese?" she asked me.
---> She asked me if I was Japanes.
點解呢題要加 me ?

點判斷洗唔洗加 me ?

- conditionals -
They would go for a swim if it _______ (not rain).
答案 : does not rain
點解唔係用 did not rain ? would 喎


回答 (6)

2007-06-13 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
"I'll see you tomorrow," she said to me.
"Are you Japanese?" she asked me.
呢個係she asked me

可能係因為if it does not rain 擺左係would後面
2007-06-13 3:46 am
我做reported speech嗰陣唔會諗洗唔洗加 me ,因為題目一般有me,而且答案一般都要me嘅.所以我一般都唔諗.me是要加嘅.好似第一句:she係同me said唔係同邊嗰said,me係指定咗所以一定要加.如果change the sentence like this =>"I'll see you tomorrow," she said to him. SO=> She said she would see him the day after.第二句仲好,無咗me,咁I係邊?
0. General conditionals
用法:用於講事實, 不變定律等等

if-clause: present simple
main clause: present simple

a. If we eat contaminated food, we become ill.
b. If we boil water to 100oC, it changes into steam.


1. Open present or future conditionals

if-clause: present simple
main clause: will + infinitive without to

a. If you want to read the book, i will lend it to you.
b. If it rains tomorrow morning, we will cancel our picnic.


2. Unreal present of future conditionals

if-clause: past simple
main clause: would + infinitive without to

a. I am busy now. If i had time, i would help you.
b. I don't have a car. If i had one, i would take you for a ride.


3. Unreal past conditionals

if-clause: past perfect
main clause: would + have + past participle

a. If we had taken the 7:20 ferry, we would have been involved in the accident.
b. If the driver had been driving slowly, he would have been able to stop in time to avoid the accident.

==================================================== http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar/if.htm
2007-06-13 3:12 am
"I'll see you tomorrow," she said to me.
---> She said she would see me the day after.
點解唔洗加 me ? 因為後面句子中已提及/必須提及「我」這對象,故前面應省去。

"Are you Japanese?" she asked me.
---> She asked me if I was Japanes.
點解呢題要加 me ? 不加「me」便沒有問的對象,她可以問任何人。She asked if I was Japanese. 在grammar 上沒問題,只是便沒表明問的對象了!

點判斷洗唔洗加 me ? 就是看句子中必要提「我」, 前面可畧。否則,要加'me'去表明問的對象。

- conditionals -
They would go for a swim if it _______ (not rain).
答案 : does not rain
點解唔係用 did not rain ? would 喎

肯定答案錯﹕They will go for a swim if it does not rain. 是指泛指如果下雨他們不會去游泳這條件。 They would go for a swim if it did not rain. 是指已經過去的情況,他們沒有游泳因為下了雨。

2007-06-13 3:04 am
reported speech:
你要明白reported speech..
1. 直接敘述 Direct Speech
2. 間接敘述 Indirect Speech
1. He said, "I am a teacher."
2. He said that he was a teacher.
* "I am a teacher" 是直接敘述; "he was a teacher" 是間接敘述。

"I'll see you tomorrow," she said to me.
---> She said she would see me the day after.
這句不是加 me ?,而係you轉me

I/you→he/she , we/you→they , me/you→him/her , us/you→them ,

my/your→his/her , our/your→their , mine/yours→his/hers , ours/yours→theirs

Is this your bag? Kent asked Gary.
→ Kent asked Garyif/whether that was his bag.

- conditionals -

do, does同did:
does 係do加es, 第三身單數加s
did 係do既過去式

2007-06-13 3:04 am
"I'll see you tomorrow," she said to me.
---> She said she would see me the day after.

I think the most suitable ans is this
Shesaid to me that she would see me tomorrow.
---> She said she would see me the day after.

"Are you Japanese?" she asked me.
---> She asked me if I was Japanes.

- conditionals -
They would go for a swim if it _______ (not rain).
答案 : does not rain

have you learn anything of conditionals is called "type1,type2 ...."

type 0 simple present simple present general truth
type 1 simple present present continuous possible
type 2 simple past past continuous imagnery
type 3 past perfent past future perfect impossible

I think the meaning of your se=centence may belongds to type 1 or type 2.

They "would " go for a swim if it _______ (not rain).

"would " is a past tense .
therefore it is type 2.

but you say the ans. is "does not rain"

when you look at the tense it is persent tense.

So it belongs to type1.

I think there must be some wrong in one of the tense
because in conditional scentance never have both 2 types ga!!!!

hope can help you to understand it.
參考: me
2007-06-13 2:56 am
1.The first one sentence is a declarative sentence, the sentence contain the object is me, always in the sentence. You should put the object in the sentence.
THe second one is a question, you should talk to other clearly that who you ask so you should put the object before.

If clause main clause
Type 0 simple present simple present general truth
Type 1 simple present present continuous possible
Type 2 simple past past continuous imagnery
Type 3 past perfent past future perfect impossible(always talk about that you regretful to something)

Your situation is past and it is general truth so you can use simple present tense or your answer make a mistake.
參考: myself

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