
2007-06-13 12:52 am
T H X~~~~

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2007-06-13 1:14 am
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1 標準足球場

1.1 龍門
1.2 禁區
2 著名足球場

2.1 歐洲
2.2 亞洲
3 參看

[編輯] 標準足球場


中線把足球場分為兩半,在中線的中間,是整個球場的中心點,是球賽上、下半場及入球後開球的地方,並有中圈(半徑9.15米 (10碼))圍繞中心點。在開球時,非開球一方的球員必須在中圈以外。
在球場的4個角皆劃有角球弧,是半徑1米的4份1圓,標示角球開出的地方。而4個角亦各需插有一支角球旗(最少高1.5米 (5呎))。

[編輯] 龍門

[編輯] 禁區
小禁區(距離5.5米 (6碼) 的空間),由底線、左右兩條距離龍門柱5.5米的直線及一條連接這兩條線的直線所組成。龍門球及所有判予守方的自由球需在小禁區內開出。判予攻方的間接自由球需在最近犯規發生地方而在5.5米線上的地方開出。
大禁區(或禁區)(距離16.5米 (18碼) 的空間)亦類似,由底線、左右兩條距離龍門柱16.5米及連接這兩條線的直線所組成。禁區有多種作用,最明顯的是守門員在禁區內可以用手接球,及守方在禁區內的犯規可以被判十二碼罰球。
2007-06-13 4:30 am
According to FIFA:

Field Surface:
Matches may be played on natural or artifi cial surfaces, according to the rules of the competition.

The field of play must be rectangular. The length of the touch line must be greater than the length of the goal line.
minimum 90 m (100 yds) / maximum 120 m (130 yds)
minimum 45 m (50 yds) / maximum 90 m (100 yds)
International Matches
minimum 100 m (110 yds) / maximum 110 m (120 yds)
minimum 64 m (70 yds) / maximum 75 m (80 yds)

Field Markings:
The field of play is marked with lines. These lines belong to the areas of which they are boundaries.
The two longer boundary lines are called touch lines. The two shorter lines are called goal lines.
All lines are not more than 12 cm (5 ins) wide.
The field of play is divided into two halves by a halfway line.
The centre mark is indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line. A circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) is marked around it.

The Goal Area:
A goal area is defi ned at each end of the field as follows:
Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, 5.5 m (6 yds) from the inside of each goalpost. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 5.5 m (6 yds) and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the goal area.

The Penalty Area:
A penalty area is defi ned at each end of the fi eld as follows:
Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, 16.5 m (18 yds) from the inside of each goalpost. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of 16.5 m (18 yds) and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the penalty area.
Within each penalty area, a penalty mark is made 11 m (12 yds) from the midpoint bet ween the goalposts and equidistant to them. An arc of a circle with a radius of 9.15 m (10 yds) from each penalty mark is drawn outside the penalty area.

A flagpost, not less than 1.5 m (5 ft) high, with a non-pointed top and a flag is placed at each corner.
Flagposts may also be placed at each end of the halfway line, not less than 1 m (1 yd) outside the touch line.

The Corner Arc:
A quarter circle with a radius of 1 m (1 yd) from each corner fl agpost is drawn inside the field of play.

The Goal:
Goals must be placed on the centre of each goal line.
They consist of two upright posts equidistant from the corner flagposts and joined at the top by a horizontal crossbar.
The distance between the posts is 7.32 m (8 yds) and the distance from the lower edge of the crossbar to the ground is 2.44 m (8 ft).
Both goalposts and the crossbar have the same width and depth, which do not exceed 12 cm (5 ins). The goal lines are the same width as that of the goalposts and the crossbar. Nets may be attached to the goals and the ground behind the goal, provided that they are properly supported and do not interfere with the goalkeeper.
The goalposts and crossbars must be white.

Goals must be anchored securely to the ground. Portable goals may only be used if they satisfy this requirement.

For the diagram display please refer to the attached link for further detail.

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