F.2 Error 兩題....

2007-06-12 10:06 pm
1. A basketball court is measure to be 30.4m long、and 18.0m wide to nearest 0.2m. Find the range of the true value of its perimeter.

2. A stamp with dimension 22mm x 28mm.
a). Find the area of the stamp to the nearest cm^2.
b). A sheet of stamps contains 200 stamps. Find the area of the sheet of
stamps to the nearest cm^2.

Please show answer and step,,,,

1.) need to have both upper limit and lower limit

回答 (2)

2007-06-12 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 30.4x2 + 18x2= 76.8 or
30.4x2 + (18+0.2) x2 = 97.2

2)a) 22x28 = 616

2)b) 如張stamp sheet係20個x10個即 (22x20) x (28x10) = 123200
2007-06-12 10:22 pm
Error = 0.5(30.4*0.2+18*0.2)
= 4.84
ie. Range should be lay within 30.4*18 + - 4.84
= 547.2-4.84 to 547.2+4.84
= 542.38 to 552.04

area = 2.2*2.8
= 6.16
= 6 cm^2 (to the nearest cm^2)

area = 2.2*2.8*200
= 1232 cm^2

2007-06-13 15:11:17 補充:
sorry , 應該咁諗(1)最大既數 -- 30.5*18.1 = 552.05 = 552.1最細既數 -- 30.3*17.9 = 542.37 = 542.4upper limit = 552.1 (to 1 d.p)lower limit = 542.4 (to 1 d.p)
參考: me

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