
2007-06-12 9:40 pm
我依傢讀緊一個course,但係因為我某o的原因,我唔可以係限期前讀完,依傢我要寫一封course extension既信。我最弱就係寫formal letter,可唔可以比個example我,等我有個概念係度。Thanks

回答 (1)

2007-06-12 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
first thing: you should have a good reason to request for the extension. for example: you did not have a time to attend the course

Dear Sir

re: extend the completion date of course

I am writing to request the extension of the completion date of course. As requested by my job, I need to stay at China factory for few days every week. So, I can't attend the course on time and also didn't have a time to study the course materials.

I hope that you could understand my bad situation and accept my request to extend the completion date to 30th June, 2007 (for example)

If you have any enquiries, please phone me at 9xxxxx or send mail to my mailbox: [email protected]

Thank you for your helpful!

Best regards
your name

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