
2007-06-12 6:48 pm
1)我係xxx, 依家未能接聽到你既電話,請你係be一聲之後留低你既口訊,我會儘快覆你,唔該,byebye

回答 (5)

2007-06-13 12:46 am
1)I am xxx, has not been able to meet according to the family hears toyour already telephone, after invites you is be remains your alreadymouth news, I can cover you as soon as possible, thank you, byebye

2)hi friends, return the tight labor according to the family/busy tobe tight according to the family, discuss the low baa matter, as soonas has the time instantly to cover you, ths!
參考: yahoo .cn
2007-06-12 10:16 pm
1) Hi! I am Jade (for example), sorry that I can't take your call, please leave your message after a tone. I will call back you soonest possible, thanks. bye bye

2) Hi! Hi! my fans, I was working now or I was busy now, please leave your message. I will call me if I have a time. thanks!
2007-06-12 9:29 pm
1) 我係xxx, 依家未能接聽到你既電話,請你係be一聲之後留低你既口訊,我會儘快覆你,唔該,byebye:I am xxx, has not been able to meet according to the family hears to your already telephone, after invites you is be remains your already mouth news, I can cover you as soon as possible, thank you, byebye

2) hi朋友們,依家返緊工/依家忙緊,講低咩事,一有時間即刻覆你,ths:Hi friends, I am working/busying , say what happen , as soon as , the time instantly to cover you,thank you!
2007-06-12 6:58 pm

1) Hi, I am XXX (英文名), I cannot pick up your call now. Please leave your message after the "be". I will call you back immediately. Thanks!

2) Hi, everybody. I am very busy on work. Please leave your message. I will get back to you soon. Thanks!
參考: myself
2007-06-12 6:56 pm
1. Hi, it's xxx. I can't take your call right now. Please leave a message after the tone. I'll get back to you soon. Thanks, Bye!
2. Hi, my friends. I'm busy right now. Leave a message and I'll get back to you soon. Thanks, Bye!
參考: 講英文的人常用

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