Please, explain for me.

2007-06-12 6:27 pm
以下句子的of 後面有the 彧冇, 其實幾時有,幾時冇.

A simulation test carried out and the result indicated that the "Immediately Dangerous to life orHealth" concentration of carbon monoxide exceeded in less than one hour of continuel operation of the petrol-fuelled generator.

回答 (2)

2007-06-12 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the 叫做 definite article,當我講o既時候你知我係講緊邊個,就要加 the。如:
He had a dog. The dog was called Snap.
如果唔係指明係邊d,就唔用 the,如:
I don't like dogs.
你呢句 ... the concentration of carbon monoxide 當然冇指明係邊d,因為你講緊o既係任何地方o既一氧化碳o既危險濃度,係一個標準。
... less than one hour of continual operation... 亦冇指明邊一次 operation,而係部機器因為構造而每次都會發生o既情況。
... of the petrol-fuelled generator 當然係指明邊部機器啦,如果唔係個 test 做o黎做乜?

2007-06-12 11:50:25 補充:
順路睇埋:... the result... 係講文中個 test o既結果,所以係指明左;... the "Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health" concentration of carbon monoxide ... 係指明邊個一氧化碳濃度水平,而 life 同 health 係講普遍人o既生命健康,所以唔係指明。即係話其實所有名詞都係用呢個方法決定,同文中位置無關。
2007-06-12 7:37 pm
有冇the同前面個 of 冇關係0架喎,the係用0黎表示"指定"或者文章之前提過0既"0野",例如:I just bought a new shirt and some new shoes. The shirt was quite expensive, but the shoes weren't. "the" 0係句入面係指定你買0左嗰件衫同嗰對鞋,所以用the。同前面任何0既preposition冇關係0架喎。

而幾時應該要有the呢,就係睇0下樣0野係咪畀指定0架喇,好似文字中0既"the result" 係指佢為測試carbon monoxide個test 0既結果,係指定呢一個test 0既結果,唔係其他test 0既結果,而concentration of carbon monoxide點解冇the呢,因為carbon monoxide係冇記認0既,每粒carbon monoxide都係一樣,所以就唔用the。
參考: me

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