如何在word中打tick 號

2007-06-12 8:56 am
如何在word中打tick 號

回答 (4)

2007-06-12 9:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
在 Word 選「插入」--「符號」,在「字型」選Symbol,然後手動選tick 號。
2007-06-12 9:09 am
click 插入
click 符號
click 字型--> wingdings
double click tick號
2007-06-12 9:07 am
You may use the clip art in MS Word:

At bottom tool bar, Click "AutoShapes" ->
Click "More AutoShapes" ->
And then Search For "tick" ->
Then you can find many "tick" clip art there

I tried in MS Word 2003 and works fine.

Hope it helpful
2007-06-12 9:04 am


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