
2007-06-12 6:08 am

莫扎特----奧國人,1756年1月27日出生於奧地利薩爾茲堡(Salzburg, Austria)

爸爸是著名小提琴家,他發現兒子的音樂才華,悉心栽培,加以鼓勵,莫扎特小時長期在宮中生活,4歲開始學習音樂,2年後(6歲) 已是出色古鍵琴,管風琴和小提琴手,是著名的音樂神童。


回答 (3)

2007-06-12 6:25 pm
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Mozart----The Austrian person, on January 27, 1756 was born in Austrian Saerzibao (Salzburg, Austria)

Daddy is the renowned violinist, he discovered that son's music talent, cultivates devotedly, encourages, the Mozart hour lives for a long time in the palace, 4 years old start to study music, 2 years later (6 years old) already were the splendid ancient key qin, the pipe organ and the violinist, was the renowned music child prodigy.

on December 5, 1791 passed away in Vienna, died at the age of 34 years old. The funeral rite is extremely casual, after the death, buries in a Vienna suburb poor tomb.
2016-06-11 3:08 am
2007-06-12 9:40 am
The Mozart ---- Austria people, on January 27, 1756 were born to the Austrian Saar this fort (Salzburg, Austria) the daddy are renowned , he discovered son's music talent, devotedly cultivated, performs to encourage, the Mozart hour lived for a long time in the palace, 4 years old started to study the music, after 2 years (6 years old) already were the splendid ancient key qin, the pipe organ and the violinist, was the renowned music child prodigy. On December 5, 1791 passed away to Vienna, died at the age of 34 years old. The mourning ritual is extremely casual, after passes away buries to a Vienna suburb poor tomb.

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