
2007-06-12 3:37 am
幫我轉 "我成日問你咁多野,有陣可能仲問番你之前d野,可能你會覺得我煩,但係我成日問因為我好緊張你同愛你"-.-幫幫我轉

回答 (6)

2007-06-12 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
I alway ask you many things,sometimes even ask you the things before,even you think I am so distrubing,but I alway ask because I am so afraid you and love you.
2007-06-13 3:41 am
I have been asking you so many questions and in some cases, I'd even repeat my questions. Maybe you will think I'm bothering you, however, this is must because I do care about you and I love you indeed.

2007-06-12 19:43:22 補充:
" ........and in some cases, I'd even repeat to ask you about your past. Maybe .........."
2007-06-12 9:49 pm
"我成日問你咁多野,有陣可能仲問番你之前d野,可能你會覺得我煩,但係我成日問因為我好緊張你同愛你":''I asked question all day to you ,sometimes I ask you for your experience, is possible you to be able to think I am bothersome, but I asked you all day because I am quite anxious you and love you."
2007-06-12 3:45 am
I always ask you so many questions, sometimes I ask about your past, maybe you will think I am annoying, but I do so because I care for you and I love you.
2007-06-12 3:45 am
Probably you may think that I am troublesome, but the reason why I always ask you so many things, or even something about your past, is that I care about you and I love you.

可以唔係太表達到個full meaning,不過希望可以幫到你!
2007-06-12 3:44 am
i had always asked you so many things, maybe sometimes i even questioned you about what i asked before. perhaps you will think that i'm annoying, but my every question is out of my overwhelming love and care for you.

2007-06-26 19:09:13 補充:
"so afraid you" lor ng goi... -___-'''

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