
2007-06-12 3:32 am

其實我係幫人問既 佢就響University of washington讀緊BSc civil engineering 咁岩岩就grad左 黎緊會過去Berkelery讀Civil既master,讀1年 我想問呢d學歷認唔認可? 佢而家轉緊做citizen,咁係唔係即係可以響果邊做野拎exp? 呢個網我之前都睇過,但係搵唔到要做幾多年野先可以考牌既資料.........




i wonder...after taking the exam how long will he get the result ? i mean when he will get the result if he can pass or not?

回答 (2)

2007-06-13 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think now I got enough information to really answer your question:
I assume you already get yourself familiar with the California Board of Registration website so I am not going to mention the info that you can find on the website. The current Board requires candidates to have a total of 6 years of experience prior to taking the PE exam. However, candidate could substitute up to 4 years of exp. by earning a BS degree, if your bf is going for his MS in Berkeley, after he obtains his MS, all he needs is an additional one yr of working exp. PRIOR to taking the PE exam (MS degree can substitute for another year).
Engineering-in-Training exam: I assume your bf should have taken this already. He cannot accumulate his work exp. until he passed the EIT exam.
As long as your bf has a legal work permit (either green card or work-study), he can work in US. If he is in the process to obtain his citizenship, he should have no problem on this.
To obtain a Professional Civil Engineer status in California , candidate needs to pass a so-called 4-part examination (the complete PE exam):
Part 1 – 8 hours comprehensive exam
Part 2 – 4 hours surveying exam
Part 3 – 4 hour seismic exam
Part 4 – a take home exam to test on code of ethics.
Candidates need to pass all 4 parts (not necessary within the same exam) before getting his registration and earn the PE status. You can take 1 part at a time until you get all 4. Test (PE exam) is offering 2 times a year – one in April and one in Oct each year. It really depends on how hard your bf work to prepare for the exam. Some people can get the license in one shot while some others keep missing one of the 4 and keep trying for many many years….
Any other question?

2007-06-14 01:29:15 補充:
for April exam - result release in mid to late Julyfor Oct exam - result release in Jan of the following year
2007-06-13 6:51 am
唔可以咁簡單幾句講哂, 因為要視乎你嘅資歷同工作經驗(佢地認可), 如果佢地唔承認你嘅外國學歷同工作經驗; 咁就大有不同, 基本上本地人要經過

1 攞到認可學歷(通常由讀大學攞到)
2 註冊成為 E.I.T. (Engineer In Training)
3. 兩年E.I.T. 再考一次試

唔知你究竟係屬邊種. 如果你有嘅係外國學歷, 外國工作經驗, 咁就要睇佢地個 Board 承唔承認你, 呢個係你嘅第一關, 之後佢地就會話比你聽點做.

咁你有冇工作証响美國做嘢呀? 萬一你嘅工作經驗唔承認, 你點响美國做嘢攞經驗?

以下有佢地嘅網址, 你慢慢睇
參考: 加拿大安省註冊工程師

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