
2007-06-12 1:37 am



回答 (3)

2007-06-12 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you have a voltage of E, you need to convert it to V, then you need a resistance R to help you, and I is the current pass through the circuit.

E = V + IR
4.5 = 3.7 + IR
IR = 0.8
R = 0.8 / I

You may find the proper used current on your camera, and R may be found by yourself. Divide 0.8 by the proper current, you may find the resistance in Ohm. Note that the circuit should be connected in series.
2007-06-20 7:09 pm
如果只用於你所講的相機, 不需要做任何降壓. 你可用4枚充電池, 因一枚是1.2V, 4枚便是4.8V. 絕對可以. 用充電池較平和環保. 有d充電池的電壓是1.25V的, 你可到鴨寮街找找.
2007-06-12 7:14 am
1) We don't know the power of the camera.
2) The total power of the resistant will be too large & the volume(size) also very large that there is no room.

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