請問到機場由check in至找到自己的座位,途中要經過咩步驟?(自己)感激!!!!!

2007-06-12 12:47 am
請問到機場由check in至找到自己的座位,途中要經過咩步驟?(自己)感激!!!!!

小弟 英文較差 請用中文解答!!!!!!!!!!!!!thx!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (4)

2007-06-12 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 行李check in 後 取登機証
2. 憑登記証入禁區
3. 排隊過移民局,出示身份証及登機証
4. 安全檢查隨身物品:手提袋過 X 光機, 身上所有金屬物品,包括 硬幣、鎖匙等放在膠盒內,取回號碼卡,過 X光機後,憑號碼卡取回膠盒內的物品
5. 跟據登機証的指示,準時到達指定登機閘口,等候登機
7. 空中服務員會指示你座位的位置,安坐等候地飛
2007-06-12 1:27 am
1) 到有關航空公司櫃位 check in

2) 出示機票及證件 (如對坐位有特別要求,現在好提出啦! 不過如果機位太爆,地勤未必幫你搵到心目中既位)

3) 張大型行李寄飛機倉

4) 取回證件及一張登機證和取回機票(因你要再坐回程機架!)

5) 去閘口登機出境

6) 過海關,手提行李亦在此時通過X 光機

7) 到達登機禁區(地方好大,有免稅店)

8) 依照登機證上所寫閘口登機

9) 閘口前有航空公司地勤,再確認登機證

10) 到機門時,如果你唔識搵位,自然有空姐幫你架啦 ! ^_^
2007-06-12 1:07 am
1) 機場check in counter : 同事會比叫你比passport及機票, 同磅寄倉行李, 有baggage tags同boarding pass比番你,
2) 去出境的gate, 有人(入境處d人或機場保安之類)在gate 口叫你比個boarding pass佢睇先入得去
3) 入到去有immigration counter, 出示id card 同boarding pass (passport應唔使用)
4) 之後過左關,就要去有x-ray gate到, 除去身上係金屬的嘢(包括錢幣), 袋/鞋(在美國要運鞋都除), 手攞住的衣物都要放入個rolling machine到過x-ray, 人就過x-ray gate, 如無聲就攞番嘢走得
5) 可以落扶手電梯, 去shopping/dinning area
6) 睇下個gate no. 上機, 遠要坐無人駕駛列車, 近就自己行去.
7) 到閘口,小姐會要你個passport同boarding pass, passport睇完比番你, boarding pass留番票尾比你上機, 應該唔會再check你身上有咩,
8) 上到機憑seat no.入坐, 你可放手提上頭頂的cabinet或seat下!!

上機通常次序係, first class, business class, economy class, 所以不用急有負姐會叩咪.
參考: me
2007-06-12 1:00 am
After u done the check in procedure, u'll have a boarding pass. Remember the boarding time and the number of terminal, some of them are quite far away, u have to go earlier. Because once u are late, maybe u need to hire their little motor car to dash to the terminal.
U need to pass through the X-ray scan after u show the boarding pass to the custom, which in order to avoid bringing illegal things to the plane. It have some dutyfree shops after the gate, keep alert on time when u are shopping, and then, have a good flight! :-)

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