
2007-06-11 11:44 pm
幾錢? 室內足球場名稱? 點book?

九龍 or 新界南 area please.....

回答 (1)

2007-06-12 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
九龍 ( i think ) there is no any 室內足球場
but 新界南 do not know much because i don't live in there
you may visit to http://www.gov.com.hk
there are some information of book 室內足球場
(i think book a 足球場 in the website! , it is very good )
i hope u can find a good 室內足球場 !!
參考: http://www.gov.com.hk and also me!

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