
2007-06-11 11:30 pm


回答 (4)

2007-06-12 2:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
生產者浪費很多時間和金錢在研究、找資料上, 太多人下載, 好少人買正版. 根本連研究/生產的成本都未必能取回, 最後只會沒有人願意付出, 不會再有新產品 (如歌/軟件) 出現。
Manufacturers spend a lot of time and money on research and collection of information. With too many people downloading and only a handful buying the genuine products, however, it may not be possible even to recover the cost of research and development / the cost of production. In the end, no one would be willing to contribute, and we would not see the birth of new products (such as songs or softwares) anymore.

handful = a small number of people 少數的人; genuine = 真的、非偽造的; recover = 收回、重新獲得;research and development = 科研發展 (這個詞多在描述研發新產品時出現, 因為科研發展是推出任何新產品前必經之路; cost of production = 生產成本; contribute = 付出、作出貢獻。

2007-06-11 18:46:36 補充:
“取回” 可譯為recover , 不是cover up (cover up 是掩飾、掩蓋, 例如掩飾錯失, 與‘取回’完全無關), 如果一定要用cover這字, 可以轉為cover the cost of ... spent, 不能用cover up;這裡的“生產者” 譯為manufacturers 比較好 (雖然producer 亦可解生產者, 例如oil producer是石油生產國, 但這裡單說producers是有些怪, 而且producer亦有電影、電視等製片人或製作人的意思, 還是manufacturers較清楚)。

2007-06-11 18:59:31 補充:
原文只說 “連... 成本都未必能取回”, 沒有提及利潤, 翻譯時不需加入... make profit 的意思。雖然第一位網友的答案有少許誤差, 但看得出是自行翻譯的, 比起錯誤百出、令人‘眼冤’ 的軟件翻譯好得多, 至少也誠意可嘉。
2007-06-22 9:29 pm
2007-06-12 3:00 am
The producer wastes the very much time and the money in studies, looks for in the material, too many people download, the good few people buy the legal copy, the root company study/the production cost all not necessarily to be able to bring back, finally only meets nobody to be willing to pay, cannot again have the new product (for example song/software) to appear
2007-06-12 12:28 am
producers use a lot of time and money to analyse and to find information. too many peple go online and download the materials, less people will buy the non- pirated versions, the producers might not even make profit, they may not even be able to cover up the production costs, in the long run, people might simply give up and would not want to produce any more new music or softwares.
參考: me

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