wharf and pier 有咩野分別?

2007-06-11 9:11 am
wharf and pier 有咩野分別?

回答 (1)

2007-06-11 4:13 pm
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wharf: 係emphasis個碼頭係用黎上落貨,係果d貨櫃碼頭
wharf: built along the edge of or out into the sea where ship can be tied up to UNLOAD GOODS.

pier: 係emphasis可以上落人,雖然都可以上落貨,主要係上落人同埋可以有d 休憩既地方俾d人可以坐完船休息下
pier: built into the sea where people can eat and amuse themselves, where boat can stop and take in or LAND THEIR PASSENGERS.

天星碼頭就係 pier, 葵涌碼頭就係wharf
參考: myself, I live in US + 字典

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