
2007-06-11 4:03 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-11 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 唔當,因為咁樣係犯規,入波唔計數之外,嗰個球員更加有可能攞黃牌。
2 係,但嗰個龍門賽後一定會俾隊醫捉去驗下究竟發生咩事。
3 絕對係,因為球證喺球場上當死物,而呢個情況亦都發生過好多次。
4 因為個龍門用手接隊友嘅回傳(一定係用腳傳嗰啲先當犯規),判間接自由球。

2007-06-13 17:53:01 補充:
補充:4 如果龍門接到波後六秒個波仍然喺手上嘅話,球證會吹罰拖延時間,都係會判一個間接自由球俾對手。
參考: 自己
2007-06-12 7:07 am




2007-06-12 14:51:05 補充:
2007-06-12 2:45 am
1. No
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. See Decision 3

I think you would find below information useful in explaining your questions:

Cautionable Offences
A player is cautioned and shown the yellow card if he commits any of
the following seven offences:
1. is guilty of unsporting behaviour
2. shows dissent by word or action
3. persistently infringes the Laws of the Game
4. delays the restart of play
5. fails to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a
corner kick, free kick or throw-in
6. enters or re-enters the fi eld of play without the referee’s permission
7. deliberately leaves the fi eld of play without the referee’s permission
A substitute or substituted player is cautioned and shown the yellow
card if he commits any of the following three offences:
1. is guilty of unsporting behaviour
2. shows dissent by word or action
3. delays the restart of play
Decisions of the International F.A. Board
Decision 1
A player who commits a cautionable or sending-off offence, either
on or off the fi eld of play, whether directed towards an opponent, a
team-mate, the referee, an assistant referee or any other person, is
disciplined according to the nature of the offence committed.
Decision 2
The goalkeeper is considered to be in control of the ball by touching
it with any part of his hand or arms. Possession of the ball includes
the goalkeeper deliberately parrying the ball, but does not include the
circumstances where, in the opinion of the referee, the ball rebounds
accidentally from the goalkeeper, for example after he has made a
Decision 3
Subject to the terms of Law 12, a player may pass the ball to his own
goalkeeper using his head or chest or knee, etc. If, however, in the
opinion of the referee, a player uses a deliberate trick while the ball is
in play in order to circumvent the Law, the player is guilty of unsporting
behaviour. He is cautioned, shown the yellow card and an indirect
free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the place where the
infringement occurred. * (see page 3)
A player using a deliberate trick to circumvent the Law while he is
taking a free kick is cautioned for unsporting behaviour and shown
the yellow card. The free kick is retaken.
In such circumstances, it is irrelevant whether the goalkeeper subsequently
touches the ball with his hands or not. The offence is committed
by the player in attempting to circumvent both the letter and
the spirit of Law 12.
Decision 4
A tackle, which endangers the safety of an opponent, must be sanctioned
as serious foul play.
Decision 5
Any simulating action anywhere on the fi eld, which is intended to
deceive the referee, must be sanctioned as unsporting behaviour.
Decision 6
A player who removes his jersey when celebrating a goal must be
cautioned for unsporting behaviour.

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