MATHS (18-19)(20.1--20.2)

2007-06-11 12:33 am

回答 (1)

2007-06-13 8:38 am
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18)the four figures, from left to right, top to the bottom
the first one, rotational symmetry = 3
the second one, rotational symmetry = 4
the third one, rotational symmetry = 1
the four one, rotational symmetry = 2



19ci)DC, angle EDA or angle FCB
cii)EF, angle AED or angle CFB

20.1)the first blank is WU, the second blank is angle PWU

20.2a)angle FDE or angle BCA
20.2b)Let Z be the mid-point of DF, YZ is the projection of the line XY
20.2c)Let G be the mid-point of FE, the angle is angle CGD

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