
2007-06-10 11:47 pm

回答 (2)

2007-06-12 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. watch more tv
2. watch more interviews
3. listen to music
4. listen to radio
5. read more magazine
6. if you use msn/icq/yahoo messenger, and if you chat online, try to pick on those who speak english, especially those mother tounge is english, that would be better
7. if you have the $, then go to take some course, if not, those from the above are very nice :)

of course in english :)
參考: me
2007-06-12 3:49 am
想辦法找一些外國人做朋友, 就算是亞洲人或其他國家人也可, 只要你們只可以用english communicate 便可。

如果是外国人or english 比你較好的人, 那就多留意他們講時的高低音, 抑揚頓挫的地方, 及用字, 句子的結構等。


1. 有問題, 向對方提出
2. 用note book 記錄下來
參考: self experienced

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