快運航空空務員面試 hk express flight attendant, cabin crew interview

2007-06-10 9:37 am
有冇人知道快運航空 既面試方式呢? 會唔會類似國泰既形式呢 ? 唔該晒 !!!

回答 (2)

2007-06-20 9:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. ask for an introduction of yourself in english for 2 minutes

2. according to your resume handed-in, ask questions related to your academic results, working experiences and extra-curricular activities. in this stage, you better answer longer rather than giving short responses. it tests about your ability to speak in english without hesitation.

3. you can also talk about yourself more when you think the question is related to what you want to say.

4. ask "Why do you want to be an flight attendant?"
this is a must ask question. think deeply before you go to interview

5. ask "Any questions you want to ask?". This is also important because it shows whether you have think of this application.
2007-06-26 8:55 pm
Thx for your reply, but i finally didnt go for the interview b cos of some reasons, anyway thx again!!

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