Officer 高級d 定 Executive 高級d 呢?

2007-06-10 8:46 am
Officer 高級d 定 Executive 高級d 呢?

回答 (3)

2007-06-10 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
一般計應該係Officer 高級啲。Executive 一般係最低 (或初入職) 的專業人員,如Marketing Executive, Account Executive。

Officer 一般真的有行政職務,甚或至行政總裁 (Chief Executive Officer)。

2007-06-11 16:29:10 補充:
The example you quoted would represent the lowest staff depending on individual company structure.If they have both titles, normally an officer will have a higher rank than executive. The word executive is a title to let your clients know that you are part of the execution team.

2007-06-11 16:29:38 補充:
The word officer usually is reserved for people with a higher rank. Tradition comes from military/law enforcement in that an officer is of a higher rank.
2007-06-10 8:59 am
其實行行定Officer同Executive 都唔同,所以你要列名邊一行先答到你。
2007-06-10 8:56 am
Executive 係執行者;行政官;高級官員 or 經理;業務主管

officer 係講d 公司員公
參考: 個人覺得,仲有查下字典都得

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