what pet is easy to be taken care of and have longer life??

2007-06-10 7:36 am
i wish to have a pet that is easy to take care and have longer lifespan. any suggestions?

回答 (10)

2007-06-10 11:14 am
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turtles or tortoises! they can be fun, they're usually friendly and most all variations live a long time. they're easy to care for and are relatively inexpensive to keep. i have a box turtle who's over 22 years and still going strong, and an african spurred tortoise (sulcata) who's barely 3 and should live another 150 to 200 years. you'll just need to read up a little on the breed you pick and you'll have a long term buddy. good luck!
參考: experience
2007-06-10 8:42 am
The easiest pet to take care of is a Tortoise. They are vegetarians. They will outlive you,with an average lifespan of 150 years. Good Luck!
2007-06-10 7:47 am
Cats are pretty easy to take care of. Give them food and water, and a box to use for a toilet, and they're happy. They can live over 15 years as well.
2007-06-10 8:02 am
Bats are easy to take care of. Just put up a bat house and they will take care of themseves and eat all of the mosquitos while they are at it.
2007-06-10 7:53 am
a cat. a cat is very easy to take care of... if you dont get it from a akitten and jsut go to the shelter or out of the paper you can make sure that you get an indpendent cat. people should know if their cat is independant at the age of like 3-4 months and then really al you have to do is set down a bowl of hard food and water... and love on it when you need to.... besides that and cats live up to 25 years.
2007-06-10 7:42 am
iguana? dont know much about them but i hear they live awhile. can't be too difficult to care for.
2007-06-10 8:05 am
dogs are the best
2007-06-10 7:51 am
Well, cats require less attention then dogs. Cats can live up to 15 or 16 years with good health.
With my cats, I clean their litter boxes, and give them fresh water every day. They eat on a schedule, so that does require that my husband or myself be home at specific times each day.
Cats can be left at home alone for a few days, while that is never a good idea with a dog.
All pets require some amount of daily care. And even if you decide to go with a cat, keep in mind that young kittens do require the same amount of attention as dogs. They can wear you out as easily as a puppy:)
I love dogs, but I know that I just don't want to make the commitment that a pet dog would require. Our cats work well with our lifestyle. The younger one (Oreo is almost a 1 yr old) does crave more affection then my older cat (Kitkat is 10 yrs old)
I don't know your particular situation, but assuming someone only wants a pet that requires the least amount of care??? That person probably should NOT have any type of pet. I'm not being judgmental here...honest. I don't know the intentions behind your question, or if you are even asking the question for yourself.
Good Luck:)
2007-06-10 7:46 am
Try a pet rock... they are very easy to care for, need very little attention, and they learn the trick "Stay" very well. As for their lifespan well they will probably outlive you.
2007-06-10 7:43 am
As for easy to take care of? I choose pet rats. They're so easy to please but their life span can be only a few years, although some live to around 5yrs, but they can be alot of fun! I have 4 happy ratties & they're full of personality!

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