2007-06-10 7:39 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-10 7:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
We can reduce our pressure or stress in many ways. For example, when we feel stressed, we can listen to some music or we can watch TV to relax. Also, we can read some jokes and make ourselves laugh to reduce our pressure. When we are feeling really very very stressed, we can simpily take a deep breathe, this way is always mentioned but it is really work !

1. Listen to soothing, relaxing music that provides the space you need to pause, reflect and regenerate.

2. Stop living your life according to the beliefs, opinions and prejudgments of others. Its your life, not theirs.

3. Create dependable friendships with people who can be counted on to support your effort to change, learn and grow.

4. Focus on the present. The past cannot be changed. The future hasn't arrived yet. That leaves you with now. Now is the time to create the future you desire.

5.Don't forget to take short breaks throughout your workday.

6.Take the time to exercise regularly. Exercise is a good stress-buster.
2007-06-10 7:55 am





(一) 分辨緊張的徵兆:能夠分辨出緊張的徵兆是很重要的,因為當你緊張時,你可能會感到肩膊痛、背痛、頸痛、頭痛、身體痕癢、過份繃緊、坐立不安和雙手抖震等。但當你能熟習漸進放鬆法後,你便能在緊張的訊號發出時,有準備地去放鬆,舒緩緊張的情緒。此外,有規律的練習有助防止緊張的訊號發生。
(二) 環境:當進行漸進放鬆法時,最好是找一個寧靜、沒有騷擾的環境,關掉電話及傳呼機,光線要柔和,溫度要和暖,避免穿上緊身的衣服或佩戴飾物,有需要的話,可脫掉鞋子。當感到身體不適或肌肉繃緊、疼痛時,便要立刻停止。
(三) 身體位置:當進行漸進放鬆法時,讓全身平躺在氈上,讓地面承托著身體,而不是讓肌肉承托著身體。當身體躺在地上時,可盡量讓手和腳伸展,平放地上。需要的話,可放一個枕頭於頸下或膝下,盡量讓自己感到舒服才進行。

2007-06-10 00:01:19 補充:不知大大是否學生?
參考: Yahoo
2007-06-10 7:54 am
There are several ways :-
1. To talk it over with your friends and family. You'll feel more relieved everytime you tell your problems to others.
2. To do exercise regularly. You can even reduce stress by playing Tai Chi, learning Yoga or just walking slowing in the parks.
3. To read some books that can help you ease your mind.
4. If all the above don't work, you'll have to see a doctor and let him analyse your problems, perhaps he will prescribe you some tranquillizer.

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