係咪做左P/L & B/S, Audit 嘅費用就可以平d?

2007-06-10 6:53 am

回答 (4)

2007-06-11 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The P/L you did is using "Cash" basis (transactions recorded when they are paid). However, the accounting standards require to use "Accrual" basis to record transactions. Therefore, all transaction must be recorded when they are incurred even they are not paid.

I guess the accountant asked for $5k is for amending all the transactions from "cash" to "accrual" basis. I recommend you to talk to the accountant and ask him the work involved for this $5k fee. Normally, the accountant will say this is the time involved for amending both P/L and B/S etc to the way that the audit can be performed.

It is not very reasonable to have $8k audit fee after he charge you $5k accountancy fee.

Answer to your last question: Depends on the number of transactions you have. If you have 50 transactions or above per month, I recommend to use accounting software. If you need the name of the software, I can reply (it is not suitable to quote name here).
2007-06-11 5:48 pm
只是 P/L 是不足夠的, 會計師樓都會要以下之文件:

1. Balance Sheet

2. 所有的單據發票 , 要分月整理清楚 .

3. Bank Statement.

最基本是這些, 如果只是核數 ( 即你所講的 $8,000) , 會計師樓是不會負責 會計的部份, 如你的會計交代得很不清楚, 他們可以叫你弄清楚後, 才可 audit.

如你仍不能做好你的accounts , 你又不想 給 accounting fee, 佢就會 qualification 你份 account.

其實好你指出的上個月嘅支出今個月先俾, 我想你實在對做 account 係會有問題的.

其實 5,000 收費不算高, 是合理的. 所以, 錢是不能慳的, 除非你真的可以做好份 account.

2007-06-15 09:19:43 補充:
我係專業人士, 唔係專業人事.
參考: 自己
2007-06-10 7:53 pm
The auditors intend to get $5,000 for accounting work undertaken. I think you have to ask the auditors why this is necessary and for reasons to be given. Normally, if the books is not in balance or there are many errors, the auditors may say they will tidy it up for you to make your books auditable. So, check yourself in this aspect as well. Or, you can tidy it up to save the additional cost of accounting of $5,000.
It is a matter of principle the expenses for this month should be accouted for in this month whether this is paid or not. If this is not paid, then this should be accrued in the books as Dr. Expenses and Cr. Accounts Payable. However, for practical reason, you can put it in the books when paid. But, I must stressed that if your boos want to have a fairly accruate monthly financial statements, you should put it in your working sheet to incorate the expenses for this purpose even these have not recorded in the books. These expenses, however, have to be accrued and recorded when you are preparing the final yearly financial statements for audit.
Using an acounting software is only helping you to write up the ledger speedy and accuately in balance and the preparation of financial statments and schedules. it is the principes of accounting that prevail.

2007-06-15 19:42:02 補充:
"It is not very reasonable to have $8k audit fee after he charge you $5k accountancy fee." This should not be given in view of having no details to judge. Too risky to mention. Unfair to the Auditor.
2007-06-10 7:34 am
如果你要了解多d可以email比我. 我再分析比你知道.
參考: 我是專業人事.

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