
2007-06-10 6:03 am
I have discovered something, I think most of the couple have this kind of problem in this modern world is without communicate, always thought the way is right from my mine and wishful thinking, didn’t told the other side what the other side recepts, what the other side really wants and needs and always guess each others meaning.

回答 (2)

2007-06-10 8:16 pm
It has recently come to my attention that, the most problematic issue couples in the modern society now face is the lack of communication. It is the results of the absence in honesty, openness and respect for each other's thinking, and ultimately leads to the deficiency in understanding and misinterpretations of feelings.
2007-06-10 6:24 am
I have discovered something recently. I think most of the couples is "without communication" with their partners in this modern world.They always think of their comates in a wrong way. They use their own method to satisfy the other. However, do they really know what the others actually want and need?

你當中有好多grammatical mistake.我改晒架喇
所以我將一d認為係多餘左 overtold左既野刪減

2007-06-09 22:24:45 補充:
"without communication" = "without communication"

2007-06-09 22:25:08 補充:
" = ''

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