
2007-06-10 5:31 am
依家就黎考試,但系我都仲系唔識D tense,
我想知咩系Simple present tense,Simple past tense,Present continuous tense,
simple future tense,同埋點用/咩時候用佢地,仲有系Simple past tense同past tense,simple future tense同future tense有咩分別,最好快D,因為我要溫書,唔該哂~~

回答 (2)

2007-06-10 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
simple tense: 習慣( i wake up at 7am everyday),自然定理(Fish swims in water).
見到every day/morning/....通常會用呢個tense
past tense: 過去左,但有提時間 ( i finished my homework 2 hours ago)
見到ago,yesterday,day before,last ?day.....通常會用呢個tense
present continuous tense: 1.做緊一樣野,見到now (i am singing. He is running now)
2. like, love,help,enjoy,hate,despite,look forward to...後面(i like eating)
future tense:講將來,見到next day/year/month, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow...會用(i will go to China next month)

simple past tense = past tense , simple future tense = future tense
參考: me,唔太全面,但for溫書,明白就ok~
2007-06-13 5:28 am
simple tense: 表示現在動作 ,狀態 , 事實, 習慣 , 不變真理
1. I ring the bell 我按鈐 (現在動作)
2. She looks happy 她似乎快樂 (現在狀態)
3. He has three brothers (現在事實)
4. He goes to shcool every day 他每天上學 通常與 every day/every morning 連用

past tense: 過去式, 用法表示過去動作, 狀態, 事實, 大致和 表示過去時間副詞 ago,yesterday,day before,last day 連用

e.g. He lelt yesterday 他昨天離去
He started an hour ago 他一小時前出發了

present continuous tense: 現在進行式
表示動作現在進行中, (am, is , are + 現在分詞) 來表示
e.g. I am watching television 我正在看電視

future tense:未來式, 以 (will / shall + root 原形動詞 )
1. 表示單純未來
I shall succeed 我將會成功

2. 表示意志
I will go, rain or shine 我決定要去, 不論晴雨.
參考: My grammar book

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