
2007-06-10 4:53 am
1) cry, maybe, if you really love him.
2) do the things you like to do, like reading,playing computer games(calm down myself)
3) tell myself there are many good people out there,dun worry a lot.
4) go to find my close friends and talk to them or ask for suggestions.
5) If can , i will keepin touch with my ex-boyfriend,we can't be lovers but we can still be friends...

回答 (4)

2007-06-10 5:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) cry, maybe, if you really love him.
哭泣, 可能....如果你真的愛他...
2) do the things you like to do, like reading,playing computer games(calm down myself)
做些你喜歡做的事情, 例如 看書, 打電腦遊戲(冷靜自己).
3) tell myself there are many good people out there,dun worry a lot.
對自己說那裡有很多好人, 不要沮喪.
4) go to find my close friends and talk to them or ask for suggestions.
去找自己的好友, 去問他們的意見.
5) If can , i will keepin touch with my ex-boyfriend,we can't be lovers but we can still be friends...
如果我可以, 我會和我的舊男朋友保持距離, 雖然我們不能成為情人, 但我們還可以做朋友.

2007-06-09 21:09:49 補充:
5) If can , i will keepin touch with my ex-boyfriend,we can't be lovers but we can still be friends... 如果我可以, 我會和我的舊男朋友保持聯絡, 雖然我們不能成為情人, 但我們還可以做朋友.
2007-06-10 5:12 am
1) cry, maybe, if you really love him.
1) 啼聲,可能,如果您真正地愛他。

2) do the things you like to do, like reading,playing computer games(calm down myself)
2) 做您喜歡做的事,像讀書,演奏計算機遊戲(鎮定下來我自己)

3) tell myself there are many good people out there,dun worry a lot.

4) go to find my close friends and talk to them or ask for suggestions.
4) 去找到我的親

5) If can , i will keepin touch with my ex-boyfriend,we can't be lovers but we can still be friends...
5) 如果能,我保留接觸與我的前男友的意志,我們不可能是戀人,但是我們可以仍然是朋友… 密的朋友和談話和他們或請求建議
2007-06-10 5:04 am
1) 哭,可能, 如果您真正地愛他。
2) 做您喜歡做的事, 像讀書, 玩電腦遊戲(使自己平靜下來)
3) 告訴自己有許多好人那裡, 暗褐色憂慮很多。
4) 去找到我的親密的朋友和談話和他們或請求建議。
5) 如果能, 我與我的前男友將保持聯繫, 我們無法是戀人但我們能仍然是朋友...

參考: me
2007-06-10 4:57 am
1) cry, maybe, if you really love him.
2) do the things you like to do, like reading,playing computer games(calm down myself)
3) tell myself there are many good people out there,dun worry a lot.
4) go to find my close friends and talk to them or ask for suggestions.
5) If can , i will keepin touch with my ex-boyfriend,we can't be lovers but we can still be friends...

1 )有哭的,也許 ,如果你真的愛他. 2 )做事情,你喜歡做的事, 喜歡讀書 ,玩電腦遊戲 (冷靜下來 ,我自己) 3 )告訴自己,也有很多很好的人在那裡 ,逼債憂慮不已. 4 )去尋找我的親密朋友,與他們交談 ,或者要求建議 . 5 )如果可以, 我將繼續與我的前男友,我們不能對情侶 ,但是我們依然可以是朋友……
參考: google translate

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