
2007-06-10 3:46 am
A: How do you ______the star wars film?
B: Well, only so- ____. ____about you?
A: I don’ t like them very much, ______. But I find the tall robot very cute.
B: You _____C3-PO?
A: That must ______it. By the way, Carol, do you really think some day we’ ll _____robots that can think ______humans?
B: I can’ t _____. You know robots are developing at such a great ____that it even amazes science ______writers. And if the development continues at such a quick ____, anything can happen.

A: That reminds me. In Britain, they’ ve recently _____a set of robots ____the seven dwarfs. These robots are very different ____most robots which exist today. B: In what _____? .


A:For one ___, they have the ability to learn through trial and error, unlike computers and other robots which can only be programmed to behave in a certain ____. In other _____, these robots possess to a certain_____ the ability to think and act for themselves

回答 (3)

2007-06-10 4:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
A. How do you like the star war films?
B. Well. only so much. How about you?
A. I don't like them very much either. But I find the tall robot very cute.
B. You mean C3-PO?
A. That must be it. By the way, Carol, do you really think some day we'll make robots that can think like humans?
B. I can't tell. You know robots are developing at such a great speed that it even amazes science fiction writers. And if the development continues at such a quick pace, anything can happen.
A. That reminds me. In Britain, they've recently produced a set of robots resembling the seven dwarfs. These robots are very different from most robots which exist today.
B. In what way?
A. For one thing, they have the ability to learn through trial and error, unlike computers and other robots which can only be programmed to behave in a certain fashion. In another way, these robots possess to a certain degree the ability to think and act for themselves.

2007-06-09 20:49:53 補充:
science fiction = 科幻小說;pace = 步伐、速度;resembling = 像、與...相似。A 說在英國生產的一組機械人跟現存的大多數機械人不同, B 問在那方面不同 (In what way), A 答 For one thing, ...;'for one thing' 是慣用語, 當解釋前面提出過一樣東西, 而你的解釋是有兩點的話, 便可以 for one thing 作為第一點解釋的句首, 即 ‘首先’ 或 ‘其中一點是’ 的意思。

2007-06-09 20:58:04 補充:
問題應該是 How do you like the star war filmS (film 是複數, 因為跟著 A 答 I don't like THEM very much either, 'them' 指 the films, 是複數)。Well, only so much 的 much 有些不肯定, 其餘的應該沒問題了。
2007-06-10 7:22 am
A: How do you LIKE the star wars film?
B: Well, only so- SO. HOW about you?
A: I don’ t like them very much, THOUGH. But I find the tall robot very cute.
B: You MEAN C3-PO?
A: That must BE it. By the way, Carol, do you really think some day we’ ll HAVE robots that can think LIKE humans?
B: I can’ t IMAGINE . You know robots are developing at such a great SPEED that it even amazes science FICTION writers. And if the development continues at such a quick PACE, anything can happen.

A: That reminds me. In Britain, they’ ve recently INVENTED a set of robots RESEMBLING the seven dwarfs. These robots are very different FROM most robots which exist today.
B: In what WAY?

A:For one INSTANCE , they have the ability to learn through trial and error, unlike computers and other robots which can only be programmed to behave in a certain MANNER. In other WORD, these robots possess to a certain EXTENT the ability to think and act for themselves
2007-06-10 7:19 am
A: How do you _LIKE_the star wars film?

B: Well, only so- _SO_. _HOW_about you?
<-- 因為我見"SO-"之后有個"HYPHEN, 而且佢意思似乎係唔太中意套野, 所以應該用SO-SO, 而唔會係 SO MUCH哩兩個字. SO-SO意思係 "過得去啦, OK啦".

A: I don’ t like them very much, _EITHER_. But I find the tall robot very cute.

B: You _MEAN__C3-PO?

A: That must _BE__it. By the way, Carol, do you really think some day we’ ll _HAVE_robots that can think _LIKE_humans?

B: I can’ t _TELL_. You know robots are developing at such a great _SPEED_that it even amazes science _FICTION__writers. And if the development continues at such a quick _RATE_, anything can happen.
<-- 我覺得第二個用"RATE"會好少少, 好過用SPEED, 因為SPEED係指速度, 多數會用HIGH/ LOW去形容速度, 好少用QUICK.

A: That reminds me. In Britain, they’ ve recently _INVENTED_a set of robots _RESEMBLING_the seven dwarfs. These robots are very different _FROM_most robots which exist today.

B: In what _WAY_?

A:For one _THING_, they have the ability to learn through trial and error, unlike computers and other robots which can only be programmed to behave in a certain _MODE_. In other _SIDE_, these robots possess to a certain_DEGREE_ the ability to think and act for themselves
參考: Me~~

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