Wanna ask 2 polar coordinates Questions

2007-06-10 3:41 am
1) The hyperbolic spiral has equation r*(degree)=a for (degree)>0 where a is a positive constant. Using the fact that lim(degree->0)---(sin(degree)/(degree))=1 , show that the line y = a is a horizontal asymptote to the spiral. Sketch the spiral.

2) show that r = 5/(3-2*cos(degree)) is the polar equation of an ellipse by finding the Cartesian equation of the curve( and completing the square).

(the first one i totally don't what to do)

Could someone help me?....thanks a lot

oh...my god... the second Q... i just do until 3r-2x-5=0.... Woo...it seems easy....just square it.... thanks a lot.....hope u could guess what to do on Q1


OH! that great...sorry....my reply a bit late cos i am thinking about the answer. i first solution is easy but hard to think the method out...but the second one ... O....i know how to do it now ,anyway thinks..two of u i really want to choose the best solution but need to wait for 24hours sori.

回答 (2)

2007-06-10 6:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) The hyperbolic spiral has equation r*(degree)=a for (degree)>0 where a is a positive constant. Using the fact that lim(degree->0 )---(sin(degree)/(de gree))=1 , show that the line y = a is a horizontal asymptote to the spiral. Sketch the spiral.
This is a standard method)
Since x=rcosθ y=rsinθ
sub rθ=a
x=acosθ/θ; y=asinθ/θ
Let θ tends to 0
x=infinity, y=a
So the line y = a is a horizontal asymptote to the spiral
The other method
Since rθ=a
If we want to find the horizontal asymptote, then the equation is
r=lim(θ->0 )(a/θ)
[Plwase remember the how to find the horizontal asymptote in Cartesian cooedinate]
rsinθ=lim(θ->0 )(asinθ/θ)
rsinθ=a [lim(θ->0 )(sinθ/θ)=1]
y=a [y=rsinθ]
So the line y = a is a horizontal asymptote to the spiral
Sketch the spiral
when a =2, the graph will be


2) show that r = 5/(3-2*cos(degree)) is the polar equation of an ellipse by finding the Cartesian equation of the curve( and completing the square).
x=rcosθ y=rsinθ

show that r = 5/(3-2*cos(degree)) is the polar equation of an ellipse. The center is (2,0)

2007-06-09 22:45:36 補充:
plwase 應是 please

2007-06-10 02:46:50 補充:

2007-06-10 02:47:04 補充:
2007-06-10 4:28 am
x = r cos@
y = r sin@

r = 5 / (3 - 2cos@)
3r - 2r cos@ = 5
3r - 2x = 5
3r = 2x + 5
9r^2 = 4x^2 + 20x + 25
9(x^2 + y^2) = 4x^2 + 20x + 25
5x^2 + 9y^2 - 20x - 25 = 0
which is ellipse


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