
2007-06-10 2:41 am

回答 (3)

2007-06-12 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
你地想自己去定係黎到澳洲跟團, 我之前試過自己揸車上去亦都試過跟團,

自己去都幾貴, 因為你首先要租車, 仲要睇下你夠唔夠 25歲, 有冇車牌係香港, 仲要比保險費... 同埋如果你得一個人識揸車... 咁你 8 個鐘都真係幾辛苦...上得去你都會住番一, 兩晚...如果你住山上既酒店...會好貴.... 如果自己租度假屋... 睇下你多唔多人 share... 如果你地只係得兩大兩細... 就好唔抵....同埋好多度假屋都係兩晚起計...仲要睇下係 high seasons定係 peak seasons..

3 日兩夜 :
租車: $500- 600
租度假屋: $ 500
如果住酒店, motel : $ 300- $ 1000 一晚 (不等)
租滑雪, 玩既野: $ 50 一個人
食:$ 200 (4 個人) 3 日兩夜

跟團比較好.... 普通既團 $ 300 一個人到... 3 日 2 夜.. 包早餐同晚餐, 包住,,,, 仲有有一晚係打邊爐.... 又唔駛揸車...你地就需要比租滑雪工具, 衫, 褲, 雪鞋既費用... 仲有 lunch 係雪山既費用....

過到黎..你可以去 china town 或者一d 華人既旅行社報名...
參考: me
2007-06-10 10:04 pm
1. 近年澳洲的雪山好少落雪, 幾乎全都是人造雪,

2. 我去過melbourne 附近既 mt. buller, 只是一張chairlife ticket就要au$88一日, 成5, 6百港幣, 仲有其他用具既價錢都吾平; 加上你又要租酒店, 成千蚊港幣一晚, 昂貴與否, 就真的見仁見智, 都平過去歐洲嘅

3. 我有澳洲朋友會飛去紐西蘭滑雪, 貪佢夠凍, 都係一個選擇

4. 滑雪介紹

2007-06-10 2:53 am
I have been to Thredbo NSW, for skiing three years ago, I took my two young children there too. My 5 year-old had a blast, who had joined a 'skiing school for kids' i was quite impressed that at the end of the day, he was actually skiing. And my other child was only a toddler, I think the cost was not too bad, we didn't stay in the resort though, we have found a local motel there and it was good enough.

參考: self experienced

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