公司法 - Company Law - 訂立租約的法例

2007-06-10 1:58 am
一間A公司和另外一間公司訂立了租約, 但是用了A公司的RELATED COMPANY 的戶口收取了租, 請問是否不合規則, 如何解決?

請問租約是否一定要打STAMP DUTY??? 若果沒有, 有什麽壞處?????

請問有什麽中文COMPANY LAW參考?????

回答 (1)

2007-06-10 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is only a matter of settlement of rent even the rent is paid to other company's account. But, A and the tenant company (T) should have a mutual agreement that rent paid by T to A's realted company ( R ) constitute a valid rental payment.
A formal tenancy agreement should be made between the company A and T. To make it recognised in law, this agreement should be stamped. If not, it can not be presented before the court in case of dispute. It is hardly make the tenancy agreement enforacable under the law should T is in default on rent or other terms in the Agreement.
For Chinese version of the Companies Ordinance - Chapter 32

2007-06-13 13:15:44 補充:
Will you also ignore the answers given same you did in last time 會計問題 - 請問一問工程公司的Filing System????? Just simple let the system delete it. Just let somebody put an answer which you got it and then delete it?

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