Tamagotchi V.4

2007-06-10 12:56 am
tamagotchi v.4 點選擇工作架

D souvenir點攞架


回答 (2)

2007-06-14 4:01 am
睇說明書或問賣tamagotchi v.4 的人
2007-06-10 2:45 am
First, go to www.tamagotchitown.com, then click on the button that says "Enter Tamagotchi Town with your V.4 toy" , and you're in the wonderful Tamagotchi Town!! Go to where-ever place you want, then play games in the place, when you won the game, you will have a present! Each present was very unique and special, don't trash that!! But have could I put it to my tamagotchi? You might ask... Let me tell you, just go to the place where you play with your tamagotchi, you'll see a button that says "souvenir" , then enter the code that the is with the present you won, and a wonderful thing happened... Your tamagotchi will recieve the present!!!
參考: Of course me!! =)

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