powerpoint ge 問題

2007-06-09 10:18 pm
一個好 ge powerpoint 應該有 d 咩

回答 (5)

2007-06-09 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
完美的 powerpoint,應該有:
1 . 合適或色彩繽紛的背景
2 . 文字的變化或特出的文字
3 . 有動畫及聲音
4 . 看起來不會使人覺得沉悶
參考: 我的電腦技術幾勁架,就憑我的直覺。
2007-06-09 10:46 pm
參考: me
2007-06-09 10:37 pm

文字方面:話明powerPOINT, 入面寫的當然要係point form, 千萬不要成段資料放上去。audience 唔會跟得切。成版都係字,都唔會有心機睇


顏色方面要注意。有D人會用文字藝術師為文字加工,但得出黎的效果好難睇<< 難睇得明係咩字。留意背景和文字顏色的配搭,我見過同學做powerpoint 個背景冇調較透明度及調較得唔夠透明就將D字的顏色轉做黃色 / 白色一D淺色,個畫面好花。其實清清地都ok。


我整powerpoint 有個習慣,唔知你arm 唔arm 用,就係我鐘意個popwerpoint 入面的裝飾、色調,排位都統一或近似的,好似有個主題咁(例如,我要整關於海洋污染的就用藍色同灰色)咁樣我會覺得整齊D。有時候係group work,由多人做成的powerpoint 有時候一睇就知係又唔同人做,有D人鐘意一種style,有D人又用另一種style,我個人覺得咁樣望落去唔太整齊,就會執一次個powerpoint 。
參考: 個人經驗 + 每次presentation 後 老師的feedback
2007-06-09 10:37 pm
which kind of powerpoint? it really depends on the project that you are making...just put the informations that you would like to tell is ok...

but basically...when i'm doing powerpoint....
1) introduction (introduce what are you going to talk about.)

2) informations (show audiences what you would like to tell them...when you putting informations....please becareful not to put it in paragraphys.....i suggest put it with bullets[dots].........and it would be easier for ou to present and the audiences can see your points clearly...

3) questions ( you may put some questions into your powerpoint...and try to ask the audiences so they could join in and would think your powerpoint is interesting...you may prepare a right answer to share with the audiences too.

4) pictures ( put the suited pictures can help you give more informations...and it helps you present easily......also....if nessary...you may add graphs and table too...)

5) conculsion ( you can talk about what do you think about your powerpoint and what did you learn.......also like what will you do better next time)

these are my experiences of doing powerpoint..i hope it can help you!^^
參考: my experiences
2007-06-09 10:31 pm

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