
2007-06-09 10:06 pm
中二科學考試有咩策略或要點?and how to 溫?

回答 (2)

2007-06-13 4:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
and pH值要記最簡單果幾個,eg 水係7, 胃酸係1, 硫酸係0
同埋有一個你要特別記一下, 就係bee既針針到你, 會係鹼定係酸~

環境的察覺就考好多, 你要溫多d~

最好係, 常見的鹼和酸:環境的察覺=3:7咁溫


* 如果係中文教學既話, 就要準備一下一d關於日常生活鹼和酸既問題~

2007-06-12 20:35:29 補充:
生物(BIO) - 差不多可以叫死背難背! 但當然亦包括理解, 理解一些系統是怎樣運作有助背熟佢, 如果讀英文, BIO最煩都係有好多生字, 先理解其讀音, 即使唔記得點串, 都可以靠讀音併一併, 溫書時, 囉張廢紙, 把唔熟的生字邊讀邊串, 直到記得, 溫多幾個生字後, 又回想一下先前既, 睇下記唔記得, 唔記得又寫下, 我讀到大學都係咁

2007-06-12 20:35:56 補充:
物理(PHY) - 哩個我覺得除左一些公式理論係背之外, 其他真係靠理解(尤其要計數的部份), 因為很多時, 考試的問題都會是你先前未必見過(其實只是你學過改了少少), 所以你必須先熟讀理論, 明白其concept, 你先可以將幾樣concept混合解答問題

2007-06-12 20:36:33 補充:
化學(CHEM) - 係IS以我記憶教既多數都是一些理論, 或者係一些化學反應公式, 哩D 都係背, 例如 METAL ACID 出SALT HYDROGEN, 哩D 係做實驗做出黎...係事實, 無得解..只好背左佢...但當中應該教過好多TEST 用黎TEST 一D CHEMICALS 既存在, 哩D一定要記熟, 好重要的!!! 你一直讀落去都會接觸到, 如果又係有生字, 用返讀BIO生字方法

2007-06-12 20:37:04 補充:
還有一個好既溫習方法, 係小組溫習, 不論你由中學直到將來都是好有用!即使小組當中的人成績差不多, 都有機會可以帶出一些有趣問題討論, 可能你們唔識既東西係不同, 咁就可以綜合大家既知識去解答問題! 如果有一兩個成績比較好, 佢地可能更能解答大家問題! 即使你係做教人果個都有幫助, 令你有更深入了解那些理論,( 教到人代表你已清楚!!)

2007-06-12 20:37:35 補充:

2007-06-12 20:40:12 補充:
Here are some suggestions:

2007-06-12 20:40:50 補充:
1) Do the example questions on your own. Many textbooks provide examples which serve as 'basic' problems that you should be able to finish. You should try doing those questions yourself, without looking at the answers provided.

2007-06-12 20:41:58 補充:
Once you've finished, read the answer to see if you're correct or not, and what problems you have when you're doing them. This effectively helps you revise your science topics.

2007-06-12 20:42:14 補充:
2) Memorize 'difficult' words. Although this is the most tiring task, you need to do so for some words which are long and difficult to spell. Try to revise those words like in dictation - because sometimes you need to write them in your exam answers!

2007-06-12 20:42:39 補充:
3) Whenever you've finished a chapter in the book, think about it. Can you recall what you've learned? If you can then I think you can be sure that you've grasped the main idea of that. Do this for every chapter.

2007-06-12 20:43:05 補充:
4) Do more exercises (if available) - this really helps! Also try to relate daily activities to your study because you may be able to discover more related concepts/ideas from the things you've really experienced.

2007-06-12 20:43:35 補充:
5) Get sufficient rest. It's true that having enough rest helps you memorize things better. Don't think that it's in a hurry so you need to finish your revision even you're tired.

2007-06-12 20:43:45 補充:
Relax and do something else in breaks (e.g. give yourself a 5-minute break per 30 minutes of study (or 1 chapter of study).Hope that this helps!
2007-11-03 3:39 am
好清楚啊! 不過點解你地要考埋生物(BIO),物理(PHY),化學(CHEM)呢?我都系From 2 架,不夠我地晤洗握!! =.=''

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