我想知咩係Gerunds and to-infinitives?

2007-06-09 9:48 pm
我想知咩係Gerunds and to-infinitives?

回答 (3)

2007-06-09 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
呢個即係o係某d字之後, 動詞 (verbs) 要自動轉做-ing form (without is/am/are)
e.g. : I like .
"like"就係要用gerunds啦. 咁另外仲有d常見o既字o既,
例如: enjoy, hate, dislike, suggest, subject to, be used to, it's worth,
look forward to, begin...etc.

2)Infinitives -
a) TO - infinitives
呢個係o係某d字後要用動詞 + to 啦.
e.g. : I refused her.
agree, promise, beg, would like, suppose, ask, tell...etc.

b) BARE - infinitives
e.g. The boy told his mom," just let me this time."
咁呢一種就有4個字會咁用,就係let, make, hear & see.

*hear 同埋 see 可以變做gerunds~!
i saw someone crying in the street.
參考: 自己=] + yahoo
2007-06-10 8:41 pm
1) Gerunds :
i. A gerund is a verbal noun. (即如果一個動詞在句子中作名詞使用,便要轉作Gerund。較常見的例子,是在句子開端部分的動詞,一定是一個Gerund,因為它擔當了句子中Subject的位置。)
e.g. Eating is my favourite hobby. (句子中eating佔了subject的位置)
My favourite hobby is eating. (句子中eating佔了object的位置)

Verb+'to' infinitive:
(即係一句句子裏,如果有want,forget,teach,have,ask,see,learn,wish,remember,etc. 既後面既動詞之間要+to。)
She wants to move to the outlying island.
She forgot to bring her watercolours to school.
She taught me to write when I was young.
It is very late now.She have to catch the bus soon.
Mrs Ko's washing machine was broken so she asked the repairman to come to her place.
The dog seems to know you and me.It's wagging its tail.
When I was young,I learned to read and write English.
In the future I wish to become a teacher.
Please remember to write back.
參考: 課外讀物同埋禾自己既課本Lor...~XD
2007-06-09 10:00 pm
eg."drinking"wine is not a good thing for teenagers.

常用的有i am " going " to have a lunch.
i " need " to help the students
參考: 剛學完

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