英文文法 with effect(ive)

2007-06-09 7:15 pm
with effect / effective from.......
據我了解, preposition, 如 with, 後面只能跟noun (包括gerund, noun clause...),

with effect / effectiveness from, 不應會有 with effective from ......


回答 (2)

2007-06-09 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
preposition, 如 with, 後面只能跟noun (包括gerund, noun clause...), 係對掛!
即係話with effective係唔得...except 後有個noun..
而effective from又係另一種方式..意思應該一樣..("有效"的意思)
只不過effective 係adjective.....For example,"It is effective from..."掛!!
effectiveness係noun...effectiveness from係對!
with effective from係應該不會有...

preposition + noun right
noun + preposition right
2007-06-09 7:22 pm
兩個選擇 :
1. With effect from ...... e.g. I wish to resign with effect from 1 July 2007.
2. Effective from ....... e.g. Effective from 1 July 2007 you will be promoted to the post of ..........

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