English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how to explain in chines ?

2007-06-09 7:08 pm
1) Cost me an arm and a leg
2) Catches my eye
3) Gave me the cold shoulder
4) Pulling my leg
5) Turns my stomach
6) My lips are sealed
7) Doubling up with laughter
8) Behind his back
9) Keep our finger crossed
10) A pain in the neck
11) Got out of hand
12) Face the music

how to explain in chinese???

回答 (2)

2007-06-09 7:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Cost me an arm and a leg - 付出沉重的代價
2) Catches my eye - 看破我的心
3) Gave me the cold shoulder - 冷淡的對待
4) Pulling my leg - 抽我後腿
5) Turns my stomach - 令我反胃
6) My lips are sealed - 我可以保守秘密
7) Doubling up with laughter - 提起精神 / 鼓起勇氣
8) Behind his back - 離開他我影子
9) Keep our finger crossed - 不要再煩惱
10) A pain in the neck - 刺骨之痛
11) Got out of hand - 開手一試
12) Face the music - 向好的一面想

2007-06-09 13:06:22 補充:
9) Keep our finger crossedSorry, (9) 應該是解作手牽手,心心相印.
參考: me
2007-06-09 7:50 pm
1) Cost me an arm and a leg: 使我花費一大筆錢
2) Catches my eye: 吸引著我
3) Gave me the cold shoulder: 使我受到冷淡對待
4) Pulling my leg: 取笑我
5) Turns my stomach: 使我噁心or使我厭惡

7) Doubling up with laughter:

9) Keep our finger crossed: 祈求我們好運

11) Got out of hand:變得失控, 無法管
12) Face the music: 勇敢地面對困難;接受應得的懲罰


2007-06-09 11:52:03 補充:
8)的意思: 背著他
參考: yahoo字典, 袖珍英漢短語詞典

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