
2007-06-09 10:19 am
由於這段期間我司的排期十分緊逼, 現希望你們能接受我地由6月11日延期到6月25日.

回答 (2)

2007-06-09 10:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because this section of period I take charge of the schedule of public performances extremely presses hard on, presently hoped you can accept me to postpone from June 11 to June 25
2007-06-10 1:59 am
由於這段期間我司的排期十分緊逼, 現希望你們能接受我地由6月11日延期到6月25日:
Because this section of period I take charge of the schedule of public performances extremely presses hard on, presently hoped you can accept me to postpone from June 11 to June 25.

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