Christian Problem

2007-06-09 10:07 am
I am a christian . I know it is wrong that I have sex with my boyfriend .

I will go travelling to Japan for our 4 day holiday. I stay with him in the same room .
This is his suggestions . I very love my boyfriend . Thus, I am afraid of losing my sensational control and making love with him when I stay with him .

My boyfriend is christian also . I cannot identify whether he wants sex by this chance .

Can any christrian tell me how can I do when losing the control ?

回答 (7)

2007-06-09 10:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
(Hope u can read Chinese as I think I cannot use Eng to express well)

其實, 第一個問題係..點解你地會兩個人去旅行呢?
我咁問你實會覺得我好保守, 但係唔俾機會自己面對誘惑 or 試探係最好既辦法
一pair 情侶去到異地, 好容易因為氣氛浪漫 (尤其日本係高危地區) 而發生關係
你個人去到咁遠, 好 relax, relax 就易出事啦..
希望你下次真係可以睇下搵唔搵到另一 pair christian 既朋友一齊去, 互相守望

不過既然係已經決定左去, 有幾個小小既提議
1. 先同男朋友講清楚, 講明自己立場, 我堅信佢都係基督徒, 佢都會明白
2. 帶聖經去, 繼續每晚靈修讀經, 仲可以同男朋友仔一齊祈禱
3. 避免飲酒, sake 好勁架..要小心
4. 同教會 or 團契既朋友仔講, 等佢地都會幫你地祈禱..同埋多 d 人知..
你地放肆既可能性會細 d..唔多唔少有壓力嘛..
5. 唔好咁多時間留响房度 hea, 真係安排 d 活動啦..
6. 响房度..儘量唔好著太少衫啦..尤其你瞓覺時實會著得好輕便..但男仔衝動主要由眼目而起
7. 當你同佢 sweet sweet 得似乎將要過火既時候..佢一定會停一停..等你表示
呢個時候..真係靠哂你自己既意志..你唔好唔出聲..因為女仔既唔出聲..男仔就認為等如 ok..
8. 唔好俾藉口自己..你而家都未有心理準備同佢發生關係..係..你好鍾意佢.
但..真理已經响你心裡面, 你知道咩叫啱咩叫唔啱..所以你一諗後果..可能會有 BB..

你咁樣講完, 我都會擔心你..你幾時去呀, 可以 send email 話我知?? 我會為你祈禱~~
"祂對我說, 我的恩典夠你用的, 因為我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全"
聖靈一定會保守你地兩個架!! 要加油~~
參考: me
2007-06-11 5:51 pm
u know whats the meaning of Lead Me Not Into Temptation? u r putting yourself into Temptation and You WILL Lose Control. So do yourself a favour, Do NOT give yourself any opportunity!!!

2007-06-11 09:52:00 補充:
u know whats the meaning of Lead Me Not Into Temptation? u r putting yourself into Temptation and You WILL Lose Control. So do yourself a favour, Do NOT give yourself any opportunity!!!

2007-06-11 09:52:20 補充:
u know whats the meaning of Lead Me Not Into Temptation? u r putting yourself into Temptation and You WILL Lose Control. So do yourself a favour, Do NOT give yourself any opportunity!!!

2007-06-11 09:52:31 補充:
u know whats the meaning of Lead Me Not Into Temptation? u r putting yourself into Temptation and You WILL Lose Control. So do yourself a favour, Do NOT give yourself any opportunity!!!

2007-06-11 09:52:44 補充:
u know whats the meaning of Lead Me Not Into Temptation? u r putting yourself into Temptation and You WILL Lose Control. So do yourself a favour, Do NOT give yourself any opportunity!!!
2007-06-09 5:15 pm
IF you know it is wrong that you have sex with your boyfriend , you should not go with him to Japan for your 4 day holiday .
If you stay with him in the same room, you will have sex with your boyfriend .
You are right. You will lose your sensational control and make love with him when you stay with him .
If you very love your boyfriend , you should refuse to go with him to Japan .
Your boyfriend is christian also,therefore you should tell him it is wrong that you have sex with your boyfriend. If he really loves you ,he should respect your opinion and stop to have sex by this chance .
You will lose your control when you go with your boyfriend to
Japan,therefore the best way to prevent lost of control is to refuse his suggestion to Japan and tell him you both should have sex with each other only when you both are married.
You are a girl , you should protect yourself because you are not sure you will marry with this boyfriend. If you make love with him and later you marry another boyfriend ,your husband will not like you. Even if you will marry this boyfriend,your husband will lost the precious moments with you on the wedding day.
I am a Christian. I am with love with my wife for nineteen years because we have sex with each other on the wedding day. We both are the first time to have sex with female.Therefore we know that we both only belong to each other and not to another female person.
The Bible says clearly:Let marriage be held in honour among all ,and let the marriage bed be undefied;for God will judge the immoral and adulterous.(Hebrew13:4)
Please make the right decision. If he loves you , he will accept your opinion. Otherwise I question whether he loves you so much.

2007-06-09 09:30:51 補充:
You can refuse to go to him even you have bought the tickets.You lost some money is better than you lost your body to your boyfriend.Your boyfriend will be disappointed but do not leave any chance for the devil.Lead us not into temptation,but delivers us from evil.(Matthew 6:9)
參考: My precious love and marriage experience and Bible knowledge
2007-06-09 2:09 pm
"Can any christrian tell me how can I do when losing the control "

1)你的問題問錯了,你不應該問what can you do 如果 lose your control。 如果你認真想遵守聖經的教晦,就應該問點樣防止lose you control 的情況會發生。到了lose control既時候還有什麼可做?

2)你亦唔雖要太介懷"I cannot identify whether he wants sex by this chance",如果佢全心想製造機會俾自己同你發生關係故之然係唔要得。 但而家既重點係就算他本無此心,一對血氣方剛既情侶獨對於困室之中就雙方都會有機會有果種衝動。你要做的是儘量避免俾呢個機會出現。


參考: 吹水不是求分數
2007-06-09 12:57 pm
Stay calm, stay cool, be the boss in control, ignore what he talks you into.
Be DETERMINED not to go further.
Rent a room with two beds, so that both of you can stay in separate beds.
Have confidence in your faith.
Be prepared you might lose him ---- this proves that he is not THE ONE for you as a lifetime mate.

Hope both of you can come home nice and clean,
I am sure he will be more grateful than you are.
Bod bless you.
2007-06-09 10:44 am
1. Back to bible and think of the consequences before you do.
2. Make a promise to each other: no sex.
3. If you're really afraid of it, you'd better have your own room, though it is costly (4000 - 5000 dollars for 3 nigths, I'm not sure). $5000 or virginity (or great change to your life), it's up to you.
4. All we brothers and sisters here can do is pray for you.
2007-06-09 10:41 am
Don't stay with him in the same room.
Don't give in to temptation.
Don't set both of you into a trap.
It maybe quite hard to reject your bf...but don't let yourself regret someday...
May God bless you both.

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