How the heck can legal immigrants who are NOT citizens vote?

2007-06-09 4:51 am
I'm told that the current immigration bill would in the republican party because the legal immigrants would vote democrat so they get their free money (entitlements like welfare).

HOW is this??? As I understand it, you MUST be a citizen to vote in state elections AND to vote for the president.

Some of you really are not understanding my point. I KNOW that illegal immigrants are voting illegally. If they become legal, they will still vote illegally because they are NOT citizens!! It will be the same amount essentially! SO, why are some people in the media calling this the end of the republican party?? THEY CAN NOT VOTE IF THEY ARE NOT CITIZENS!! It doesn't make sense to me. For the record I am a conservative republican and am against this ridiculous immigration bill.

回答 (25)

2007-06-09 5:14 am
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Ask BOTH Repubs and Dems stupid senators who voted YES on this bill HOW they expect these illegals they benefit, will vote??

First off, the ballot best be in Spanish like all the other crap is. Otherwise these wetbacks won't be able to comprendo.

Does this mean Bin Laden can come here and vote too?
2007-06-09 4:56 am
Aliens or non-citizens can not vote legally. To vote legally they must be United States Citizens. Of course they have already broken the law, so why follow the election laws either.
2007-06-09 5:13 am
I am a second generation of immigrants who followed the rules and entered the US correctly. Voting is for citizens and until a person becomes a legal citizens they should not vote. And I don't think anyone should have those entitlements either, paid for by citizens for citizens, not illegals.
2007-06-13 12:52 am
YOU DONT MAKE SEN AT ALL, what the hek you been listening too? an african radio station, or a chinese one?, damn I am not from here and live in america for 26 years, and I know that illegals can not vote, not even the ones that have the green card already, now the people that can vote among those is the ones, that have the green card and plus the citizenship thingy, please have your ears check. (gladly response from an inmigrant).
2007-06-09 5:21 am
No matter how the politicians spin this - it is and always has been illegal for non-citizens to vote in this country on Americans and Americas issues. Every politician needs to reminded of that. If one is not an American citizen or Naturalized as one - they cannot vote ever in our country. And if they do - they are committing fraud which carries a Federal penalty for many years in prison.

Besides it's not just non-citizens that are corrupting the voting system in this country. Just check out how many prisoners behind bars who have lost those privileges still voting. Or the dead peoples names picked out of the cemeteries who are suddenly alive and voting again. And other people who vote multiple times listed under the different parties, Dem's, Repub's, and Independents. Those are the issues that p*ss me off as well.

btw - The bill may have been about rewarding illegals... But it was also about not punishing those businesses and employers who encourage the illegals to come here in the first place.
2007-06-09 5:21 am
You are not stating your question clearly -- but I think your point is that amnesty amounts to more votes for the Democratic party. They assume that all incoming latinos will only vote democrat, and the Republicans will not get the latino vote.

There's really no such thing as "tamper proof" ID, so some suspect the democratic party is deliberately setting things up to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes, which they have "bought" for themselves by giving away citizenship. There are already cases of certain precincts allowing illegals to vote. And the democratic party has an outreach to illegals teaching them how to vote.

So your question is a good one... how can illegals vote? You should be very suspicious!
2007-06-09 5:21 am
You don't have to show ID to vote, except in Arizona. There was an amendment to the immigration bill proposed that would have required ID to vote. The Democrats voted it down.

Illegals have been known to vote, and just look at the poster above who believes that legal immigrants can vote. They can get a drivers' license and when you get a drivers' license there is a voter registration form.

Some (the left) WANT immigrants to vote

And they do vote at least sometimes
2007-06-09 5:20 am
This article is older,but it explains your question...U.S. citizens who go to the polls Nov. 2 to decide local, state and national elections are likely to get more help from noncitizens this year than ever before.
Beyond requiring applicants to sign a pledge on voter-registration forms affirming that they are U.S. citizens, there is no way to prevent the nation's estimated 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens from casting ballots in November, area elections officials said.
Locally, only Virginia requires voters to provide their Social Security numbers, but the state does not require voters to show their Social Security cards.
2007-06-09 5:05 am
They can not vote until they are citizens.
They are already getting free entitlements - food stamps, free medical care, assistance in rent, free school for their children & etc.
They will try to get through the election board to illegally vote as they illegally came into our country. Can you trust people who sneak over border in the middle of the night, who are often in the back of trucks hiding? NO - my state is tightening the voters roles & looking into required ID's. Neither party in my state wants illegals electing our goverment.
2007-06-09 5:07 am
No, I think you're totally wrong that an immigrant would vote illegally once they've become a permanent resident. Doing this could have very serious consequences for their future as legal permanent residents or for ever becoming citizens.

Also, for the record you should know that Republicans have historically been pro-immigrant because immigrants have always been good for big businesses. The harshest immigration reform in history was passed when CLINTON was president. Nope, he didn't veto it.

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