
2007-06-09 7:38 am
Yesterday saw in Beijing a forum to mark the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the Basic Law 句中的 saw 是甚麼意思?

It was a high-profile gathering. As it Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Wu Bangguo made a speech, 句中的 As it .... 這個it 係咩意思?

[ Never has any person denied Hong Kong ] is an inallenable part of China or challenged China's exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong,
句中有括號的部分係唔係 noun clause? 係唔係用左倒裝?

問題繼續考你 http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007060804823

回答 (2)

2007-06-09 6:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第14條:experience or undergo(sth) 經歷或進行(某事)
第15a條:be the time when (an event) happens; witness(為〔某事〕發生之時;目睹);其中有例子是:This year sees the tercentenary of Handel's birth(今年是韓德爾誕辰三百週年)
看了這解釋後,你就知saw在yesterday saw in Beijing a forum to mark the 10th ...的saw是進行的意思,其實這句可以寫成”yesterday a forum to mark the 10th... saw(underwent) in Beijing.”但因為作為主詞的 a forum to mark the 10th...太長,所以英文多數會放在最後。
而As it是你抄錯,在報紙上是At it(而it是指那個forum)
Never has any person denied...是用了倒裝法,但卻不是noun clause,而是Never has any person denied (that) Hong Kong is an inallenable part of china or (Never has any person denied that) China's exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kone.
注:( )內容是用了省略法去省略

2007-06-09 10:16:44 補充:

2007-06-09 10:18:26 補充:
對唔住第二句沒that(Never has any person denied ) China's exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kone.
2007-06-09 11:20 am
1)I think the subject is missing from the first sentence.

2) "As it" should be "As its"

3) [Never has any person denied Hong Kong] is used as a slogan in this sentence,more like the noun or the subject of a sentence.

wish I help.

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