
2007-06-09 6:55 am
有次dl左個file後,就搞到我個網的首頁硬性設定左個http://www.skyinet.net/~angelcat/skladjflfdjghKJnwetryDGFikjUIyqwerWe546786324hjk4jnHHGbvbmKLJKjhkqj4w/WIN-BUGSFIX.exe 咁的網.....
我成部腦的全部相及歌的file都受個毒感染,令到開唔到,而個自動掃描器話中左VBS:LoveLetter的毒.. 好驚d file恢原唔到呀..點算

有咩方法可以無晒d毒,又可以將d file回復返?!

nod32..係邊到有得免費dl? 係咪可以將d file回復返?


john007007007 : 點解更新唔到?話要使用者名稱同密碼呢...點解決???thx

回答 (4)

2007-06-09 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
網路出現 ILOVEYOU 的e-Mail病毒


經由Internt傳入國內的主旨為 ILOVEYOU 的e-Mail病毒,會自動發信給信箱中全部的人,由於ILOVEYOU 的e-Mail病毒感染的速度相當的快,迅速造成國內的Internet陸續傳出中毒的求救信。
金帥資訊建議若是收到e-Mail 主旨為ILOVEYOU的信,就立即刪除,並且千萬不要執行其名為【LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs】的附帶檔。
根據病毒內部署名為來自菲律賓馬尼拉的spyder,其備註還寫著<i hate go to school>。
信件內容:kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me.
VBS:LoveLetter searches for the certain files on all local and remote drives. If it finds the file with extension jpg and jpeg, they are overwritten and renamed to *.jpg.vbs, while mp3 and mp2 files are copied to *.mp?.vbs , this copy is overwritten by worm and the attribute of original file is changed to hidden.

Get the fix here: http://www.sarc.com/ avcenter/venc/data/f ix.vbs.loveletter.ht ml

The VBS.LoveLetter Fix tool removes the changes that were made to a computer by all known versions of the VBS.LoveLetter worm except VBS.LoveLetter.CA, VBS.LoveLetter.BJ, VBS.LoveLetter.BM and VBS.LoveLetter.AS.
CAUTION: Before you run the tool, you must update to the most recent virus definitions and run a full system scan, making sure that Norton AntiVirus (NAV) is set to scan all files. If you run the tool before scanning your system, you may see warnings that indicate that files have been infected with LoveLetter. If you see any such warning, choose to delete the files.

This tool will have limited effectiveness if you have been infected with VBS.NewLove.A. This variant of LoveLetter destroys all files on the system that are not in use. Therefore an infected system will most likely be unstable. If you are running this tool on Windows NT or Windows 2000, you must have Administrator-level privileges. When the tool has finished running, you will see a message indicating whether or not the computer was infected by VBS.LoveLetter. If you are an administrator, and you want to run the tool without displaying the information dialog box, run the tool with the /auto command line switch; for example, C:\Windows\Desktop\fixlove.exe /auto
To obtain and run the tool: Go to http://www.symantec. com/avcenter/fixlove .exe. Download the file to your Windows Desktop. Double-click the Fixlove.exe file to start the repair tool. Click Remove! to begin the process, and allow the tool to run.

2007-06-18 8:43 pm
去 REMOVAL 內下載個 VBS.LoveLetter Fix Tool. 睇下掂唔掂。
2007-06-12 7:51 pm
用nod32,好快又勁,你去官方下一個試用版,(30日)或去D電腦商買nod32,百幾蚊庶,又唔係貴,仲有一個選擇,下載破解版,http://www.badongo.net/file/992444 下載翻來的是壓縮檔,入面有好似有ndntchad64...好似是,安裝左佢仙,佢要你田個用戶名,你唔好田住,有個稍後才寫的,下一步,完成(不要關機),然後壓縮檔ndntchad64...下面有個破解檔,安裝左佢,重新開機,去nod32控制中心,更新,立即更新,0K。免ID和passward,可用16000000天.用到你死.爽爽爽爽

2007-06-09 6:58 am
用nod32啦 勁好用 殺毒勁快...

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