
2007-06-09 6:16 am
The emotional benefits of marriage may be obvious, but other rights gays are denied include medical and death benefits, and the right to make decisions on behalf of their partners in cases of emergency, illness, or death. With gay marriage becoming a reality in some places, more people are beginning to sit up and take notice. Only time will tell if it will remain a marginalized, heretical idea or become an established and accepted institution in societies around the world.

回答 (5)

2007-06-09 8:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
The emotional benefits of marriage may be obvious,
but other rights gays are denied include medical and death benefits,
and the right to make decisions on behalf of their partners in cases of emergency, illness, or death.
With gay marriage becoming a reality in some places, more people are beginning to sit up and take notice.
Only time will tell if it will remain a marginalized, heretical idea
or become an established and accepted institution in societies around the world.
參考: 牛津字典
2007-06-09 8:05 am
2007-06-09 6:24 am
<p><font color="#ff80bf">The emotional benefits of marriage may be obvious, but other rights gays are denied include medical and death benefits, and the right to make decisions on behalf of their partners in cases of emergency, illness, or death. With gay marriage becoming a reality in some places, more people are beginning to sit up and take notice. Only time will tell if it will remain a marginalized, heretical idea or become an established and accepted institution in societies around the world. </font></p>
<div style=""><font color="#c080ff">婚姻的情感好處也許是顯然的? 但gays denied 的其它權利包括醫療和死亡撫卹金? 並且權利做出決定代表他們的夥伴在緊急情況? 病症? 或死亡。用同性戀婚姻成為現實在一些地方? 更多人民開始坐直和採取通知。唯一日久見人心如果它將依然是被排斥? 異端想法或變成一個建立的和被接受的機關在社會在世界。</font></div>
<div style=""><font color="#4040ff">Hope can help u!!<img src="http://hk.yimg.com/i/icon/16/3.gif" alt="Image"/></font></div>
參考: me
2007-06-09 6:20 am
The emotional benefits of marriage may be obvious, but other rights gays are denied include medical and death benefits, and the right to make decisions on behalf of their partners in cases of emergency, illness, or death. With gay marriage becoming a reality in some places, more people are beginning to sit up and take notice. Only time will tell if it will remain a marginalized, heretical idea or become an established and accepted institution in societies around the world.

婚姻的情緒利益可能是明顯的,但是其他的權利同性戀被否認包括醫生和死亡利益,和那正確地代表他們的合夥人作出決定假使緊急,疾病、或死亡。 藉由在一些地方中變成事實的同性戀婚姻,更多的人正在開始熬夜而且拿注意。 如果它將保持,只有時間將告訴一使局限於社會邊緣,異教的想法或者在全球的社會中變成一個確定而一般承認的機構。

婚姻的情绪利益可能是明显的,但是其他的权利同性恋被否认包括医生和死亡利益,和那正确地代表他们的合伙人作出决定假使紧急,疾病、或死亡。 藉由在一些地方中变成真实的同性恋婚姻,较多的人正在开始熬夜而且拿注意。 如果它将会保持,只有时间将会告诉一使局限于社会边缘,异教的主意或者在全球的社会中变成一个确定而一般承认的机构。
2007-06-09 6:19 am

2007-06-08 22:20:59 補充:
結婚的感情好處可能明顯, 但是其他權利同性戀者被否認包括體格檢查和死亡撫恤金, 以及在緊急事件,病或者死的情況下的代表他們的合伙人決定的權利。 快活的結婚在一些地方成為一個現實,更多的人們開始坐起來並且購買通知。 只有時間將告訴是否它將保持一種被忽視,異教的想法或者在全世界的社會裡成為建立並且接受的機構。

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