runescape(rune h2 kite)

2007-06-09 5:51 am
我的usenamei s crazyoscar!

我現在sell rune h2 kite 120k-130k!

如果想買 rune h2 kite,就找我吧!!!(價錢有得talk)thx!!

回答 (2)

2007-06-13 7:46 pm
HK yahoo knowledge is not for selling thing, go to runscape and do wherever you want, yahoo knowledge is for people ask question, not a place helping people sell thing away, you cannot do that!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-06-09 6:11 am
120k ok???
add me :123qw9999(lvl:77)
i alway in world 1
plz give me the 分 first

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