what cell has abundance of mitochondrion?

2007-06-09 3:00 am
please help me to state one of them

回答 (3)

2007-06-09 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Skeleton muscle cells should contain most abundance of mitochondria. The number of mitochondria in a cell varies with its matabolic activity. Therefore, the number of cristae in a mitrochondria increases in metabolically active cell. This is because respiratory enzymes are located there. Mitochondria function as a site for anaeobric respiration where ATP hydrolzed into ADP. That's why skeleton mucle cells have most abundance of mitochondria.
參考: Functional Biology notes of HKU and other Biology Textbook
2007-06-09 8:17 am
muscle cell 同 liver cell都應該唔少

(mitochondria 就好似小型發電機咁樣去提供能量)
參考: 印象中的bio知識
2007-06-09 7:44 am
Skeletal muscle cell.

Its abundance of mitochondria helps release more energy through aerobic respiration for the movement of the body.
參考: My Biology Knowledge

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